Showing results 21 to 30 out of 43
Raspberry Jam
07 Sep - 09:30 PM
Krems an der Donau, Austria
Zum ersten Mal wird auch auf der Donau Uni Krems ein Raspberry Jam veranstaltet – ein Treffen für alle die mehr über Raspberry Pi und ähnliche Boards lernen wollen, und natürlich auch selber damit herumspielen wollen. Egal wie viel man schon weiß – von Anfänger*innen bis hin zu Profis sind bei der Jam alle herzlich Willkommen. Materialien werden zur Verfügung gestellt. Wer möchte, kann jedoch auch gerne eigene Komponenten und Projekte mitbringen. Das Event wird vom Zentrum für Angewandte Spieleforschung der Donau-Universität Krems veranstaltet und von Klaus Conrad geleitet. Klaus Conrad organisiert in Malta den MaltaPi Jam und widmet sich besonders der Ausbildung von Lehrer*innen im Technologiebereich.
BE5 HackChallenge - Innovate the Built Environment!
01 Sep - 12:00 AM
Garching bei München, Germany
What is it? A unique built environment innovation challenge, created by UnternehmerTUMs Be5,and Construction Industry Giants such as Max Bögl, Peri, Hilti, LaFargeHolcim, McKinsey & Partners and more. 4 Challenges to disrupt the Future of Buildings! Why should you participate? It’s free, you’ll get all you need to work in the Built Environment, potentially becoming an Entrepreneur… oh. And you can win a grant… How does it work? First, online ideation, build your team and get insights & feedback. Then, be invited to UTUM for the HackDays, to pitch … and win! You can only win here. Don’t wait, check out, and REGISTER today!
07 Jul - 11:00 PM
Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal
COTEC Portugal is organizing a hackathon to promote the Industry 4.0 among the Portuguese students! During 24 hours, the participants will be challenged to use Industry 4.0 Technologies to create innovative solutions! The winners will win a trip to Barcelona, to participate in the biggest IoT Summit in the World!
Hackea, compite y gana
16 Jun - 11:00 AM
Madrid, Spain
900 euros
Programa tu inteligencia artificial y combate contra las demás para ganar el hackathon. Demuestranos que mereces uno de nuestros cursos de JS valorado en 900 euros.
hck hnx: Sensors & AI
24 May - 05:00 PM
Heilbronn, Germany
Gestalte mit Sensoren und künstlicher Intelligenz, in 48 Stunden, die Welt von Morgen!​ Bringe Deine Ideen ein und entwickle, designe und programmiere im Team Lösungen! Die Veranstaltung wird organisiert von der Hochschule Heilbronn mit drei Partnern aus der Industrie.
Moving Hackathon
22 May - 06:49 PM
Guiyang, China
Theme Self-driving Moving Hackathon For Autonomous Driving Engineers and Hackers Key Words Hackathon/ Engineering/ Challenge/ Meetup What’s In There ● First-hand Experiences On Real Self-driving Cars (Get hands on real self-driving cars and verify algorithms while the car driving by itself) ● Software Deployment (Experience the full software stack based on the self-driving framework to finish the challenges) ● Mentorship and Guidance (Experienced hardware and software engineers at PIX to provide onsite mentorship and assistance) ● Igniting Engineering Spirit (Challenge oneself and finish the meaningful adventure through collaboration) ● Global Engineer Meetup (Meet with global self-driving engineers to network, connect, beer and make friends) ● Sharing and Spreading Insights (Fireside chats and presentations to share opinions and spread thoughts) ● Hackathon Bonus: Udacity Courses (Get Udacity course and Onsite Self-driving Training for free) Why The Hackathon Moving Hackathon is a global meetup and hackathon event for self-driving startups, engineers, developers and enthusiasts worldwide. Aiming to lower the entry barrier of self-driving for common developers, Moving Hackathon includes onsite challenges of both full-sized and small-sized self-driving car. The Hackathon provides car platforms equipped with computing abilities, sensors, drive-by-wire control and other hardware support onsite, also closed urban roads to test and challenge for global self-driving engineers, who can stay fully focused on algorithms/software design, optimization, development and test. By sparking spirit of engineering and technology innovation, Moving Hackathon is meant to facilitate the mutual growth and inspiration among the participants, nurturing iteration and innovation from the bottom up.
2019 Constructing Futures Hackathon - Edmonton - Alberta - Civil Engineering - Computer Engineering - Construction
19 May - 12:00 PM
Edmonton, Canada
Join us in developing innovative solutions to problems facing businesses in manufacturing, construction, and entertainment. People from various backgrounds are invited to contribute their talents, meet others, exchange ideas, and apply their passion and expertise to build something awesome. The 2019 ‘Constructing Futures’ Hackathon will take place May 19 to May 20, 2019, at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada. This event is organized by the University of Alberta’s Nasseri School of Building Science and Engineering. During the event, you will have an opportunity to transform your ideas into innovative solutions with real business opportunities.
Human Robotics Interaction Hack
27 Apr - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
London innovation consultancy, Big Radical, in partnership with Agritech start-up Small Robot Company, is running a 2-day hackathon on the 27th and 28th of April in their Clerkenwell studios. Over the 48 hour sprint, attendees will consider the balance of intrinsically human virtues and the benefit of robotics in across agriculture, healthcare and hospitality, considering factors that influence and affect the stakeholders involved in each interaction.
LaunchHacks I
20 Apr - 09:00 AM
Fremont, United States
$2,000+ Prize Pool
Launch Hacks is a 24 hour, 200-participant hackathon hosted by Monta Vista High School students. The event brings Bay Area high school students together to convert ideas into reality. In addition to helping students improve their design and development skills, they also get support to help them improve business and presentation skills -- not just to pitch a successful project, but also to inspire the next generation of inventors, entrepreneurs, and leaders. Food, workshops, prizes, and swag will be provided to all participants for free!
Arkathon Hacking Health 2019 - Disrupt Tomorrow's Health !
12 Apr - 05:30 PM
Sion, Switzerland
From 12 to 14 April 2019, the 5th edition of the Arkathon Hacking Health Switzerland is back at the Health Innovation Campus in Sion (Valais)! Come and revolutionize tomorrow's health during this "all-inclusive" weekend. Developer, designer, entrepreneur, student, health professional, patient or simply with a creative spirit, the Arkathon 2019 brings together participants from all walks of life, from all over Switzerland... and even from Europe! During 48 hours of intense and fun, work on concrete and innovative solutions to meet the challenges posed by healthcare professionals: Valais Hospital, the Clinique romande de réadaptation and the Groupe d'intervention médicale en montagne - Valais. Take part in this unique adventure! >> Information and registration on >> Join the Arkathon 2019 community on Twitter @arkathonvs or share your experience #arkathon 2019