Showing results 1 to 10 out of 34
Challenge IA de l'IoT Week by CITC
08 Dec - 08:30 AM
Lille, France
Machine learning, data science, and deep learning professionals and enthusiasts in and around Lille! The Centre d'Innovation des Technologies sans (CITC) invites you to participate in the IA Challenge that will be held during the IoT Week. During the 4-day IA Challenge, you'll get to create an innovative solution that addresses one of three real-world problems and associated datasets that are posed by three partnering companies. You can come with a multi-disciplinary team of up to four members -- or join one at the event. Your team is free to use your programming language (Python, R, C, C ++, etc.) and framework (Scikit-learn, Tensorflow, Pytorch, Mxnet, etc.) of choice. Get ready to participate in the IA Challenge with smart hackathon advice.
Robot Uprising: Micro Invaders, Final Show Case
13 Nov - 12:00 PM
Helsinki, Finland
Programming students, robotics enthusiasts, and AI experts in Finland! The Robot Uprising invites you to take part in Robot Uprising Beerbots -- Europe's biggest story-driven hackathon experience. Visit the expert advice page for practical advice on participation in the Robot Uprising Beerbots hackathon!
Hackathon CHUM
12 Nov - 08:21 AM
Montréal, Canada
Le CHUM prend les mesures nécessaires afin d'assurer la sécurité de nos patients, de nos visiteurs et de nos équipes, en nous appuyant sur les recommandations de la santé publique, nous tenons à vous informer que le Hackathon du CHUM a été reporté au 12, 13 et 14 novembre 2020. Vous aurez plus de temps pour finaliser vos équipes, proposer vos problématiques et travailler sur votre solution. Si vous êtes déjà participants et participantes vous êtes automatiquement inscrits(es) pour les prochaines dates. Par ailleurs, si celles-ci ne vous conviennent pas, le coût de votre participation vous sera remboursé. Nous vous invitons à communiquer avec nous à Qu’est-ce qu’un Hackathon? Des participants de tous horizons seront réunis lors de sessions de travail intensives afin de développer une solution pour répondre à une problématique en santé. Chaque équipe réunira des programmeurs, des analystes en données, des ingénieurs, des médecins, des professionnels de la santé ainsi que des patients. L’objectif : utiliser la force de l’intelligence collective pour trouver des solutions concrètes à des défis et des problèmes de santé. Le projet de l’équipe gagnante aura la chance d’en poursuivre le développement avec le soutien du Comité d’innovation et d’IA mis en place par les initiateurs du projet.
Power Up with Huawei
09 Nov - 10:00 AM
Power Up with Huawei is an exciting opportunity hosted by Huawei for Master’s and PhD students specializing in electrical sciences and engineering from across Europe to compete to win cash prizes and possible internship positions. Participants will propose innovative concepts for electrical converters that will be evaluated by an expert panel of judges, and those selected will develop prototypes of their concepts and deliver final presentations. Who can participate? Those eligible to participate are students currently enrolled in European institutions who are working towards their Master’s or PhD in Electrical Sciences/Engineering. To sign up, you must register as a team of 3-4 members. Why participate? Power Up with Huawei is an excellent opportunity to: Showcase your skills Win up to 15,000€ in cash Secure a possible internship with Huawei How to join? Sign up and submit your project directly on the hackathon platform
3D Printing Housing Hack
02 Nov - 10:19 AM
As the global leader in building materials and solutions, LafargeHolcim is taking construction innovation to new heights once more. Collaborating with the industry's best and brightest student teams, LafargeHolcim is hosting a multiphase hackathon that will challenge participants to revolutionize concrete materials through 3D printing: the 3DP Housing Hack! Participants will craft solutions for mid-rise residential (G+1) buildings utilizing 3D printing to bring their working prototype(s) to life. Each submission should address the following: improved speed of construction, optimization of material use as well as enhanced aesthetics and customization potential. The hackathon comprises two main events including online ideation in November followed by final demos in March. A jury panel will review all prototype submissions, and finalists will be invited to attend the live demonstrations at the LafargeHolcim Innovation Center in Lyon.
Remarkable Design-athon
07 Oct - 11:29 AM
Remarkable’s mission is to develop tech and innovation that drives the inclusion of people with disability, and this year they're inviting you to take part in their​ ​Design-athon​! This ​Design-athon is a 4 week immersive online challenge that invites budding entrepreneurs to solve problems identified by our community using an inclusive design methodology. This online event runs from 7 to 29 October 2020* and all successful applicants have a chance to gain funding to invest back into their solution. You can apply as an individual or a team and applications close on Tuesday 22 September 2020. To learn more and apply head to,​ ​ *Participants can expect to spend approximately 8 hours per week on the Design-athon.
03 Jul - 10:29 PM
up to two hundred thousand Reais (R$200,000.00)
The largest acceleration program in Railroad Safety in Brazil starts now and the solution could be yours. We are searching for two innovative solutions for Railroad collisions and Railroad run overs.Fuse was made for entrepreneurs, innovators or anyone who has ideas that can improve safety in railways. We will also accelerate your ideas so that you can become an agent of this transformation.
Healthcare Hackathon Kiel 2020
05 Jun - 08:00 AM
Healthcare specialists -- companies, start-ups, students, techies, and creative professionals! IBM and the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein invite you to participate in the fully-virtual Healthcare Hackathon Kiel 2020. Participate as an individual or as a member of a team! You'll be challenged to create a functioning prototype in your choice of the following areas: Artificial intelligence, Digital support for care and medicine, Emergency medicine, Virtual reality, Prevention and prognosis, or Robotics
29 May - 06:00 PM
TeenHacksHTX is a 24-hour innovation event held online and sponsored by the University of Houston Victoria - Katy, where high school students work together to develop skills in teamwork, programming, and real world problem-solving, and the best projects win prizes from us and our sponsors. Along the way, you'll participate in workshops, visit booths, and listen to guest speakers, gaining valuable real-life experience.
CTH: Chai Time Hack
16 May - 08:00 PM
All you need to do is to upload a document of your idea. Yes! That it. The ideas will be judged based on innovation, novelty, and feasibility.