Showing results 21 to 30 out of 34
14 Mar - 05:00 PM
Delhi, India
A Hardware Hackathon where all participants are required to develop a product or a prototype for an innovative idea or solution for the themes mentioned under in the given time of 24 hours. The hackathon will have the following themes: 1. Public welfare and safety systems 2. Healthcare 3. Sustainable technology 4. Defense and security 5. Miscellaneous It is an event that allows hackers of all skill levels to explore their creative and engineering talents. Hackers will be provided the space and equipment (in case they choose to develop a hardware) they need along with the mentorship to make the most out of these resources. The equipment partners shall be sponsoring the prizes to the teams that develop the best product using the respective equipments of the sponsor. Participants, in teams of 2 to 4 shall be encouraged to let their imaginations run wild, using a micro-controller kit or repurposing existing hardware for unique applications. Teams making hardware products shall also have access to a standard circuits laboratory bench, complete with test equipment such as power supplies and oscilloscopes. At the conclusion of the 24hr hackathon, teams shall demo their projects to other attendees and judges. Finally, the panel of judges shall evaluate and score the presented projects.
Hack For Good - Body Hack
13 Mar - 09:00 AM
Whitby, Canada
Technology is having a tremendous impact on healthcare with innovative solutions being developed to help diagnose and treat diseases, the creation of advanced prosthetic devices, and much more. For geekspeak's 4th annual hackathon, Body Hack, participants will work in teams for 36-hours to create a hardware and/or software prototype that addresses a healthcare issue.We want to demonstrate how technology can be used to improve the lives of people locally as well as around the world.
IBM Community Day: Deploy AI Virtual Conference
10 Mar - 09:07 AM
IBM will be hosting a 1 day AI virtual conference on March 10th, 2020. Follow along with the 25+ speakers sharing their knowledge on the topics of AI Models, Open Source AI, and AI Infrastructure. Join this conference to learn about why you need to utilize your investments of time and manpower, and get ready to deploy AI.
HackTrin VII: NYC Hackathon for High Schoolers and Middle Schoolers
08 Mar - 08:30 AM
New York, United States
HackTrin VII is the seventh iteration of Trinity School’s annual hackathon. Middle and high schoolers, of any experience level, can participate. You can form teams of 1-4 students, even across different schools, and work to make projects relating to coding. We'll have workshops and mentors to help you with your projects and learn! We will announce the secret theme two weeks before HackTrin, after which you can start planning (but not coding or building). Coding and building starts March 8th. You’ll present your projects to our panels of judges to win prizes in multiple categories (including a beginner category)!
Varsity Life: What's Up?
07 Mar - 12:33 PM
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
What is iUM Disrupt? iUM Disrupt is an annual “Idea Incubator” organized by students in collaboration with Second College of University Malaya. iUM Disrupt serves as a platform for great minds from both public and private universities in the Klang Valley to come together to develop and present their ideas. Teams will be formed like-minded people to build and develop ideas into working Minimum Viable Products (MVP) which can be a prototype or a real, working product, which usually comes in the form of a Mobile Apps. There will also be free workshops for our participants covering topics like "How to Develop a Prototype", "Developing a Great Business Plan" and "How to Pitch". Each team consists of core members, each playing vital roles ranging from Marketing, Strategy Planning to Programming. Fear not to accept this 24-hour hackathon challenge and propose your idea for a prize pool of up to RM2,250 for grab! More info please contact 010-3407308 - Shei Lin 018-3214875 - Diyaanah
MORS Hacks
07 Mar - 12:06 PM
Mount Olive Township, United States
**High School/Middle School Students Only** Students will have 12 hours to start a project with a given theme to be presented at the hackathon. Many events and side opportunities will be offered: Hack-a-thon Lunch and Dinner Provided Fundraiser Super Smash Brothers Tournament $10 entry *Game subject to change Q&A Sessions Lead Graphics Designer of SIM 2, 3, 4 Johnson & Johnson Executive – Females in Technology Talk Small Business Owner/App developer QA Tester for Working on more! Robotics Competition FRC Workshops starting at the top of every hour starting at 10 am Topics are coming soon Drone Exhibition College Fair County College of Morris Rutgers Stevens Institute of Technology Centenary
Kinetic Playground: AI | Edge Computing | Computer Vision Hackathon
07 Mar - 10:00 AM
San Diego, United States
Data scientists, software engineers, and IoT developers in and around San Diego! CO Network invites you to take part in the Kinetic Playground: AI | Edge Computing | Computer Vision Hackathon. Come and network with like-minded techies and collaborate to design and build innovative solutions to real-world challenges such as facial recognition, autonomous navigation, smart home automation, and more. You'll get to use the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit + IoT Developer Resource Portfolio. Have hackathon questions? Get answers on the hackathon tips page!
Reboot 2.0 | Hackathon
07 Mar - 03:38 AM
Vellore, India
15,000 Rs
The main purpose of REBOOT is to introduce freshers to the world of hacks and foster creativity and a sense of innovation amongst students to bring out the best in them. It also serves as an important platform for every student to make them realise their true potential and the technical field that will appeal to them the most. With the added advantage of crowd-driven ideation, students can now move fast and get ahead of the competition. These projects are the practical application of what students learn every day and some can also lead to startups for which we provide a strong platform for. To summarise it all, REBOOT provides the necessary platform for future innovators and entrepreneurs. We encourage freshers to come and participate along with their seniors and experts from VIT and competitors from other colleges as well.
06 Mar - 09:30 AM
Mysuru, India
Total prize worth 30Lakh+
Symbiot is a National level 24 hours build challenge organized by theDepartment of ECE in Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering association withIoTCrew. This is a kind of event where in students can showcase their innovative skills. This is your chance to get exposed to unique challenges and explore new technologies. It’s a place where hardware meets software with harmony. Join us on March 6th and 7th to embark a new journey filled with creativity, smartness and zeal.
Smart Green Island Makeathon - Gran Canaria
04 Mar - 10:00 AM
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
From 04.-07.03.2020, ITQ GmbH organises the 5thSMART GREEN ISLAND MAKEATHON. Therefore we’d like to invite you to participate in this special event focused on Smart Home, IoT, Automation, Robotics, Smart Farming, Smart Production, Smart Health, Smart and Green Energy, Smart Mobility as well as Connected Systems. Make, create and invent your own innovative idea in interdisciplinary teams not only against but with each other!