Showing results 31 to 34 out of 34
25 Feb - 06:00 PM
Brno, Czechia
Artificial Intelligence and robotics techies in the Czech Republic! SAB Aerospace invites you to participate in the SPACE BEER: Drones and AI hackathon – and event that is focused on drones and artificial intelligence. Come collaborate with like-minded AI enthusiasts and compete for recognition and awesome prizes! You'll find useful hackathon advice on the tips page!
Talent's Tour con Invitalia
30 Jan - 11:49 AM
Palermo, Italy
La partnership prevede un percorso di tre hackathon, che si svolgeranno in altrettanti atenei italiani a partire dal mese di gennaio, e che si concluderà a Roma con una due giorni di sfida durante laRomeCup 2020. Sfida del 2020: “AI & robotics for climate change”.Realizzare idee di business che sfruttino le potenzialità di AI e robotica nel contrasto al cambiamento climatico e che mirino a ridurre l’impatto ambientale dell’economia e alla responsabilizzazione dei comportamenti dei cittadini consumatori secondo i principi di eco sostenibilità e inclusione. La prima città raggiunta dal tour saràPalermoche il30 gennaioospiterà l’hackathon di apertura in collaborazione con l’Università degli Studi di Palermoe ilConsorzio Arca. Seguiranno le date diPisa, il14 febbraio,presso l’Università di Pisa,e diTorino,il10 marzo,in collaborazione con ilPolitecnico di Torinonegli spazi dell’I3P: Incubatore Imprese Innovative Politecnico Torino. Per iscriversi:
Free Kids Hackathon: Scratch, Python and more
25 Jan - 10:37 AM
$50 per team member
This hackathon is perfect for students 5-18 years of age with some coding experience. Bring a friend to compete in a team! Register here: This hackathon allows contestants to compete across three leagues: VARSITY Requirement: High School / Middle School Recommended: More than one year of coding Projects will be related to data science, web development or complex Python or Java JUNIOR VARSITY Requirement: High School / Middle School Recommended: Less than one year of coding Projects will be in Python or Java EXPLORER Requirement: Elementary School Recommended: At least 6 months of coding Projects will be in Scratch Basic Rules TEAM SIZE: One to three contestants 1 PROJECT PER CONTESTANT: You cannot submit a team project and a solo project HONOR CODE: Adults (instructors, parents, etc) can help contestants debug but the majority of the work must be done by the contestants CONTESTANT AGE LIMIT: Ages 5 - 18 only US RESIDENTS ONLY: All contestants must be residing in one of the 50 states NO COPYRIGHT MATERIAL: Photos, music, text, video, and other mediums Register here:
HACK Aotearoa
17 Jan - 10:09 PM
Auckland, New Zealand
In partnership with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Critical Data, ACC, and Philips, we are excited to announce that registrations for Hack Aotearoa: New Zealand’s Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Conference and Datathon, are now open! Hosted by the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences at The University of Auckland, the conference and datathon will be heldFriday 17th January to Sunday 19th January 2020at the Owen G Glenn Building, Auckland University. Event attendees will learn from MIT Critical Data Faculty and local and international experts about the opportunities of Data Science and AI for healthcare.. During the Datathon, participants will then form teams of health professionals, data scientists and anyone else passionate about healthcare, data analytics, and cross-disciplinary collaboration to answer clinical questions and health system challenges using health datasets!