Sowing results 5 out of 5
12 Sep - 10:00 AM
Waurn Ponds, Australia
$AU350 Gift Card Prize Pool
Student techies, engineers, and robotics enthusiasts in the Greater Melbourne area! The IEEE student branches at Deakin, Melbourne, and Monash Universities invite you to participate — in-person or via Zoom — in a Hackathon programming competition. This day-long event will be held at the Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation (NS Building) on Deakin University’s Waurn Ponds campus.
You'll work in a team of up to three people to design and implement the high-level control scheme for a custom puck robot. You'll then get to pit your robot in sumo-style combat against identical robots programmed by opposing teams. Compete to win the overall tournament winning prize of a $AU200 gift card. Second place wins $AU100 and third place $AU50!
Go to the tips page for information on hackathon participation!
DRONegev 2022 - Drone Entrepreneurs Event in Yeruham
22 Jun - 03:30 PM
Yeruham, Israel
3 Incubator Slots — Total Value Over 200,000 NIS
Israeli techies and entrepreneurs with a passion for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)! CanNegev — the technology incubator — invites you to participate in DRONegev 2022 - Drone Entrepreneurs Event in Yeruham. Hackathon participants will choose a project from the following UAV challenges:
Energy resources,
Autonomous capabilities,
Safety& reliability, and
New UAV applications.
Collaborate and compete for recognition and the opportunity to develop your solution within CanNegev’s incubator plan. Three slots are available for a total value of over 200,000 NIS.
If you need answers to your hackathon participation questions, just check the expert advice page!
Afterwork des Métiers de la Défense et de la Sécurité | Deuxième Edition
06 Apr - 06:00 PM
Vous voulez (re)découvrir le monde de la Défense et de la Sécurité, ses acteurs, ses transformations et les nombreuses opportunités qu’il offre ?
Le GICAT, le Groupement des industries françaises de Défense et de Sécurité, revient pour la deuxième édition de son Afterwork en ligne, le 6 avril 2022 prochain à partir de 18h !
Au programme :
- des conférences sur la Défense et la Sécurité
- des job-datings pour rencontrer des recruteurs et postuler en quelques clics
- un quiz pour terminer la soirée avec surprise à la clé !
L’afterwork est gratuit et ouvert à tous — vous pouvez prendre votre place dès maintenant!
RDV le 6 avril à 18h
Intel DevCloud University Workshops
09 Mar - 10:00 AM
AI based computer vision is projected to make a $144B impact to the global economy by 2028. It’s now a core part of computer science and you’re in a demanding field with career growth for years to come.
Take part in this Hands-On AI Student Workshop to learn to build and deploy AI into applications with the Intel® DevCloud and the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit.
This won’t be a boring lecture series, it will be filled with coding exercises. You’ll learn about different AI-based computer vision use cases, experience tutorials and sample applications and gain access to over 200 free AI models in the Intel® Open Model Zoo. You’ll also have access to the Intel® DevCloud, a cloud development environment to develop projects for school. Join Academic Programs Manager Jay Burris for this actionable learning experience.
Xylem Global Student Innovation Challenge 2022
01 Mar - 08:00 AM
We cannot live without water. It’s part of everything we do – from the time we wake up till the time we go to bed. Threats like climate change, pollution and aging infrastructure impact our water supplies and security.
Join us in solving these water challenges and ensuring water access and resilience for all.
Over 8 weeks, develop a project on water challenge in teams of up to 5 students
Prizes awarded for projects in 2 tracks – secondary (high school) & tertiary (university) tracks
Be mentored by & participate in webinars with water industry experts
Join the Water Masterclass, a series of engaging video classes, to learn a range of important water topics from water sustainability to design thinking.