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Super Happy Dev House #SEA2
13 Dec - 11:00 AM
Seattle, United States
Super Happy Dev House #SEA2 lets you create something unique for the holidays! Code and develop your own gift for your friends and loved ones using a cool collection of hardware, including Raspberry Pi's, Arduino's, an oscilloscope, and a VR headset.
Come and join the hacker culture to have fun, build things, learn things, and meet new people. It's called hacker culture, and we're here to encourage it!
Livermore Valley Charter Prep's STEM Parent Forum
09 Dec - 06:00 PM
Livermore, United States
Some of the STEM students are interested in continuing to compete in National and International competitions and we need your support. We have raised nearly $13,000 from our community and industry in support of our robotics team. Join to learn more about what STEM students are doing at our parent forum.
05 Dec - 09:00 AM
Lehi, United States
I HEART TECH is inviting 250 students to come learn, play, and create.
There will be an endless amount of fun learn opportunities including: 1-hour Coding Classes, Building your own web page, the basics of Graphic Design using Adobe's creative tools, building and competing with robots, Game Design, Digital Publishing, and many more! There will also be 3D Printers, CNC MILLS, EGG-BOT, and WATERCOLOR ROT for you to play and create with! And if this in not enough then you can also join the night before for an all-night hackathon (for more advanced coders).
Come and bring all your friends, the more the merrier!
Robolearn Hackathon - Robot Survival Programming
04 Dec - 07:00 PM
Sofia, Bulgaria
RoboLearn is community of people passioned about robot programming using the latest technologies. For this event, RoboLearn is organizing a hackathon about Robotics & IoT to develop solutions for helping robots like "LeJaRo" and "IPTPI" to survive from falling, hitting walls and obstacles using Java, reactive programming (Reactor, RxJava), actor model (Akka), AI (Subsumption architecture) and many more.
Hackathon Women Innovation
12 Oct - 08:30 AM
Paris, France
Travailler à la juste place des femmes dans la société et l’entreprise d’aujourd’hui, promouvoir la mixité en utilisant les technologies du numérique, ça vous dit ?
Porteur d’idées, designer, développeur, sociologue, juriste…homme ou femme :
Rejoignez nous – innovons ensemble !
En amont du Women’s Forum 2015, cette rencontre est organisée en partenariat avec de nombreux réseaux féminins et avec le soutien d’entreprises et institutionnels. Pendant ces deux jours nous réunirons nos compétences au service d’une société plus équitable et inclusive. Nous utiliserons les technologies numériques d’aujourd’hui pour imaginer et réaliser des solutions concrètes : applications mobiles, réseaux sociaux, objets connectés… qui, demain, favoriseront l’équilibre entre les femmes et les hommes dans leur vie quotidienne, professionnelle ou personnelle.
Pour en savoir plus ou déposer une idée, un projet :