Showing results 91 to 100 out of 123
Abilities Hackathon Showcase
25 May - 05:30 PM
Baltimore, United States
Come and see the exciting outcomes from April's Abilities Hackathon, when participants from that event showcase what they have made towards making products that address problems that those with impacted abilities face! Expect to see some exciting ideas that enable the Baltimore community to solve and address problems that those with disabilities face. Participants will present their work in one of the following four tracks: (1) Transportation/Mobility; (2) Wearables; (3) Leisure/Entertainment; and (4) Open Software/Hardware. Two teams will be rewarded a grand total of $6,000 thanks to the Mayor's Office of Information Technology.
Youth Hackathon
22 May - 09:30 AM
Como, Italy
The Youth Hackathon is an event to help young children experience technology and new media. The program is structured in a single day filled with workshops and competitions. The workshops include Play Wikipedia, Mapathon with OpenStreetMap, Play Scratch, Play, and cryptography. Other activities in a different area will present some exhibitions for Wikimedia projects, 3D printers, Raspberry, Arduino, and drones!
Spark Innovation Expo 2016: The Silicon Valley S.T.E.M. Competition!
21 May - 10:00 AM
Mountain View, United States
A huge all day S.T.E.M. competition for Robotics, Game of Drones, Wearables, Sharktank to show entrepreneurs, university students, and Silicon Valley businesses the latest and greatest innovations in modern tech trends, and to help everyone at this Expo launch on their new concepts. Connect with other startups, innovators, and investors in Silicon Valley and get the chance to win amazing prices!
Citizen Science ThinkCamp (and Disco)
20 May - 07:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
The ThinkCamp is a mixed event focusing on the Open Space, BarCamp and Hackathon formats that provide an open and creative environment for developing new ideas and projects. ThinkCamps invite participants from a diverse range of disciplines, skill-sets and experiences to collaborate together on addressing problems, rising to challenges, and taking advantage of new opportunities. At the ECSA ThinkCamp these will take the form of Citizen Science Challenges. Attendees will be presented with a number of Challenges to explore and invited to join the discussion at the ‘working group’ table around that issue. Feel free to move amongst the Challenges based on what you can learn, contribute, or simply enjoy being part of. There will be a Show & Tell at the end of the day, for each Challenge ‘owner’ and the teams that emerged to present back to all Conference attendees what took shape during the ThinkCamp. Support will be offered by the ThinkCamp organisers to take any of those ideas forward beyond the event itself.
Prototypehelg for Forsvaret
20 May - 05:30 PM
Norway Drive, United Kingdom
This is ForsvarX's first experiment project together with Basement Innovation. The event is open to the public and enthusiasts. The purpose is to create an arena where the participants can gain insights into new ideas and help start-up businesses on the road to a tested products. Go from idea to prototype during this weekend and learn how to fly. The project is in collaboration with SOFWERX, Mil-OSS, Cellar Innovation, Startup Norway, Leading Change, Innovation Norway, Hack4Defence, Startup Weekend and Tech Stars. The event runs parallel, with Hackathon on SOFWERX in Tampa, Wright Institue in Ohio and Griffith Institute. You do not need previous knowledge to participate and will get access to resources.
Examples of topics that can be selected are: GeograficSystems, Autonome Systems and Robots, Cyber, Workout, Etteretning, and Logistics.
Note: This is not an event where companies can showcase their products. The event is an initiative of individuals. Ticket revenue goes to expenses such as local, stationery, food/drinks for participants and other administrative expenses.
Hack the Senses - S01E04 Animal Perception
19 May - 06:30 PM
London, United Kingdom
Hack the human's senses to stretch and expand our limits in perception. This event will focus its attention on the sensory universes that insects, birds, reptiles and other animals inhabit. If our perception of the world is shaped by the sense organs we are equipped with then our view of the world is just one among a range of possibilities. How can we draw inspiration from the animal kingdom and build technologies that allow us to experience other sensory worlds? This event will bring you leading researchers of animal perception and an Oculus to get a VR taste of what it's like to be a honeybee. There will be a hackathon organized between 24-26 June at FabLab London, where you will get the opportunity to try creating new sensory substitution and augmentation devices.
Rise - Origin Of The Trinity
17 May - 12:00 AM
Pune, India
Rise Hackathon is designed to test stellar teams and brilliant individuals for an exclusive opportunity to launch their start-ups or just showcase their apps to the world with the Barclays India Rise Program. Developers may join forces with any of the three squads presented to save the world from an alien invention. The mission is to tackle the Alien Race that have launched a three-pronged attack on critical Innovation Hubs on planet Earth. The Space Defence Command & Control Center (SDC3) is looking for geeks like you to rise against the evil intruders and defend the planet. You may join Squad I to defend the Blockchain Innovation Hub, Squad II to defend the FinTech Bot Army Base, or Squad III to fire your secret weapon!
Stupid Shit No One Needs & Terrible Ideas Hackathon 2.0
14 May - 12:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
The Stupid Hackathon is organized purely for fun! Your projects will be purely judged by hilarity, uselessness, and fun factor! Work diligently on projects that make no sense at all. Make something we will all regret!
Hacking Transportation: @StartupBusSF and @UberDevelopers
13 May - 07:30 PM
San Francisco, United States
Wanted disruptors! If you're an aspiring entrepreneur with an idea that could disrupt the status quo--and make our lives better--then sign up for Hacking Transportation: @StartupBusSF and @UberDevelopers. StartupBus is an annual competition that challenges top tier talent to hop on a bus and conceive, build and launch a startup in 72 hours. Starting in San Francisco, participants will compete with fellow travelers on buses from 5 other cities, to see who can create the most innovative business to pitch on stage at Techstars' Boulder Startup Week.
Brasov Hackathon 2016
13 May - 02:00 PM
Brașov, Romania
Participate in the Brasov Hackathon 2016. On registration, each team member will receive a T-shirt. Hackathon organizers will introduce the hack and the versioning system that will be used for hackathon projects. Hackathon organizers will be available at this briefing and throughout the hack to answer questions. Following hack presentations and judging, there will be a short break, while votes are collected and tabulated. Hackathon winners will then be announced and prizes awarded.