Showing results 121 to 123 out of 123
Robotics & Autonomous Systems for the Long Term Care Revolution
25 Jan - 10:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
The Long Term Care Revolution Challenge is to find innovative ideas that will disrupt the current long term care institutional model. Innovate UK and The Robotics & Autonomous System Special Interest Group are hosting this workshop to find innovation within the RAS Community. The goal is to create different systems and services addressing the lifestyle needs and wishes of dependent individuals, their carers, and families.
Connected Healthcare at the Digital Media Centre
21 Jan - 11:30 AM
Barnsley, United Kingdom
The Yorkshire and Humber digital healthcare event is open to all creative design and digital technology specialists and healthcare professionals. Explore topics such as virtual reality, telehealth, animation and robotics, and new market opportunities for creative and digital technology in the NHS and healthcare sector. Learn how apps, software and digital solutions are improving the patient experience in existing care and how to get involved in a programme of healthcare hackathon and access to finance events to support your product development.
RoboLearn Hackathon: Internet of Things with Yocto Project and Openembedded
08 Jan - 07:00 PM
Sofia, Bulgaria
This hackathon is about developing GNU/Linux distributions for your embedded and IoT projects using Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded distribution building instruments. Yocto has been established as de facto standard for embedded systems and wearable devices. Information will be provided on how to build your own device specificly with Linux distribution and software applications. For the practical demo you will use Raspberry Pi and open source hardware circuit boards OLinuXino from the Bulgarian manufacturer Olimex.