Showing results 11 to 20 out of 123
Ultrahack 2016
25 Nov - 12:00 AM
Helsinki, Finland
Get ready to Ultrahack, one of the biggest hackathons in Europe for the development ideas and software. Ultrahack has top notch industry players to provide never-before-published APIs and tools. You can join with your pre-existing software and get expert evaluation and coaching or you can start from the scratch. All participants will have a good chance of winning during this extraordinary hackathon experience!
Hackathon 2016 Robotics World Cup
19 Nov - 11:00 AM
Surrey, Canada
Boys of color aged 8-17! Planning a career in technology? Excited by robotics? Come and participate in the next BlackBoysCode 2016 Hackathon Challenge. The theme is Robotics! Sign up and collaborate with your peers to develop the best, smartest, and most creative robotics solution. You'll be challenged to program a physical robot to traverse obstacles. You'll work in a team, using critical thinking and programming skills, and demonstrate your program to a panel of judges. Perhaps your team will be judged the winner and take home an awesome prize?
Providence Hackathon
18 Nov - 06:30 PM
Providence, United States
Developers, designers, creative professionals and students in and around Rhode Island! The city of Providence invites you to participate in the Smart Cities Hackathon — an amazing Smart Cities, VR and AR hackathon. You'll be challenged by an array of APIs & Data, VR and AR challenges and you'll have some great gear to work with.
Bothack Berlin – Chatbot Hackathon
18 Nov - 06:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
AI techies! Want to showcase your creativity and skills? Sign up now for the Bothack Berlin – Chatbot Hackathon! Demonstrate how your chatbot expertise can help reshape how humans communicate. You'll be part of a multi-discipline team — developers, strategists & designers. You'll have just 48-hours to dissect a chatbot challenge and take it from concept to working prototype!
Robots at your Service
18 Nov - 06:00 PM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Interested in how robotics can help the elderly? Come and participate in the Hack for Active & Healthy Ageing. This event is a hackathon where multi-disciplinary “hackers” will collaborate to design and develop solutions that can prolong independent living, and improve the quality of home care for the elderly. You'll be able to test your prototype directly in 2-3 simulated elderly living areas equipped with sensors, devices, development kits and robots.
Bot Developer Camp
18 Nov - 05:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
Bot Developer Camp is one of the most pure and original hackathons with the freedom to choose any project that relates to chat bots. Chat bots are simple, early forms of artificial intelligence that have grown massively on mobile and desktop messaging platforms in the past year. Create an intelligent bot that relies on a certain pattern to create trust and foster cooperation, hack with a team, and validate your ideas!
AT&T Mobile App Hackathon - NYC
18 Nov - 05:00 PM
New York, United States
Have an app idea or need an app built for your business? Whether you are a backend person, designer, entrepreneur, student, or just interested in tech, you are invited to attend this special IoT-focused Mobile App Hackathon. Come and hack and build apps/mobile apps, and compete for prizes across different categories. Experts from AT&T and the local technical community will be onsite to assist with your development. Just bring your laptop, skills & ideas. Come with a collaborative, team-focused mindset and/or team-up in advance using the #atthack hashtag on Twitter/Facebook/Google+.
Thames River Hackathon
11 Nov - 06:00 PM
New London, United States
Programmers, engineers, business people, artists, and enthusiasts interested in transit issues! Come and participate in The Thames River Hackathon. Collaborate with like-minded individuals and hack together software and hardware to make cool stuff. You can chose to participate in one of the following tracks or challenges:
»Apps and APIs
»Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality
»Make Stuff Using Arduino, or 3D printing, etc.
»Create Your Own Track!
Bosch Automatisiertes Fahren Hackathon
11 Nov - 05:00 PM
Abstatt, Germany
Do you have a passion for "automated driving"? Do you want to push the boundaries of one of the most exciting topics in the automotive industry? Bosch invites you to participate in the Bosch Automated Driving Hackathon. Come and push the boundaries of robotics, sensors, image processing and positioning services for Car2Car communication. If you're a developer with experience in the C / C ++, Python or MATLAB® languages—and you're into Embedded Systems and IoT , then this event's for you!
Mercedes-Benz Hack.SiliconValley Hackathon
06 Nov - 04:00 PM
Sunnyvale, United States
Creative students and professionals! Passionate about technology? Come participate in Mercedes-Benz Hack.SiliconValley Hackathon and collaborate to build prototype solutions that might transform the way we transport goods, equipment and people. You'll team with others to create vehicle ecosystem solutions based on cloud data and Internet of Things.