Showing results 81 to 90 out of 123
11 Jun - 10:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
This is a hackathon devoted to machine learning organized by the students of the Klub Connect at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute, Potsdam, Germany. You will be challenged to build useful applications with raw data, get the chance to connect with the awesome sponsors and experiment with their data. Bring your laptop, charger, comfortable clothes and of course your full hacking motivation!
Philippine Mobile VR Jam
10 Jun - 06:00 PM
Mandaluyong, Philippines
Is Virtual Reality your thing? Come and participate in the Philippine Mobile VR Jam. Open for all participants--students, professionals, artists or programmers. The Philippine Mobile VR Jam is a Virtual Reality hackathon that will bring together brilliant minds to learn and collaborate on creating applications with immersive mobile virtual reality technologies. Over the period of 42 hours, teams are tasked to create their own Virtual Reality game or app for the Samsung Gear VR mobile virtual reality headset.
Hack The Office
03 Jun - 07:00 PM
Paris, France
If you like APIs, Slack, Trello, IFTTT, and using bots to create and automate tasks, you might enjoy our hackathon, Hack the Office. It runs from June 3-5 and the idea is to create the smart assistant of tomorrow to make our work lives better. There’ll be APIs, €10,000 in prizes and many other surprises.
BotCamp - Build The Conversation
28 May - 12:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Is the bot revolution right around the corner? What new possibilities await us in this data-driven paradigm of customer-brand interaction? Come and explore the possibilities—push the limits of modern customer interaction with data-driven approaches, AI and the newly available bot-APIs from various messaging platforms like Facebook and others.
HackingFest Ankara 2016
28 May - 10:00 AM
Bilkent, Turkey
Hackingfest is a hackathon series on software and hardware organized for those developers and designers who are passionate about hacking for real-world issues. Come along to gain new experience, create great projects and make many new friends! Awards will be given out best ideas and projects!
Stupid Shit No One Needs & Terrible Ideas Hackathon Toronto
28 May - 10:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
The Stupid Shit No One Needs & Terrible Ideas Hackathon Toronto is a hackathon dedicated to creating things that have absolutely no value. You are aloud to create whatever you want as long as it works and contributes nothing whatsoever to the world. Examples of useless ideas to work with are weird food delivery services, emoji intelligence, quicktime for Pegasi, millenial falcons, sensors, virtual fealty, the internet of bees, etc. You may come with a team or just meet new people to create a stupid, terrible idea that nobody needs! At the end of the day everyone will present their stupid terrible nonsense off at the Stupid Job Fair. A hardware library with cameras, Arduinos, Cutting Edge "Electronic" Sensors, and more will be made available to you for creating your stupid pointless garbage idea. Note, no tech expertiseis required, all progammers, designers, comedians, videographers, artists, thought leaders, ideationists, neolibertarian techno-utopian oversimplifiers, and fearless creaitives are invited!
B-HACK - la Hackathon di B-App
28 May - 10:00 AM
Milano, Italy
Come participate at B-Hack—a 30 hours digital marathon! Collaborate to create new iOS and Android apps for business. Participate individually or in a team—it's your choice!
Hack ’n’ Roll - Connected Car Hackathon
28 May - 09:00 AM
Torino, Italy
Developers , designers and project managers! Do you want to innovate in the automotive sector? Come along to the Hack 'n' Roll - Connected Car Hackathon. Collaborate with like-minded people on: How to communicate with tomorrow's cars in emergency situations? How to address connection problems and synchronization in a world of connected devices? You'll have 24 hours to develop your response to the connected car challenges and a working prototype.
Drone & Robot Startup - Hackathon
27 May - 06:00 PM
Stanford, United States
This event welcomes all bootstrapped founders, engineers, business hackers, students, and mentors/investors interested in tech. Guests seeking to launch a startup across platform and industry will enjoy this chance to mingle and network with potential founder, partner or investors along top industry leaders.
The example of Work that will need to be completed during this hackathon would be:
a) - Team have a very complex solution to a very large market and cannot create an MVP in two days (in this case work together to complete a compelling pitch deck by sunday 6pm) and submit/add it to your application
b) - Team have a very simple solution to common problem and can create an MVP in two days (in this case work together to complete your minimum viable product by sunday 6pm).and submit/add it to your application The winners of the hackathon will receive acceptance to OneTraction with sponsored Funding by top VC, Tech Corporate Venture or our Mentor Investors for $25k to $250k contingent on graduation, along inclusion in Press Release and featured on the sites.
Hackathon Mers et Océans
27 May - 12:00 AM
Boulogne-sur-Mer, France
Journée de créativité autour des mers et des océans