Showing results 11 to 15 out of 15
AEC Hackathon 2.7 - Helsinki
06 Nov - 06:30 PM
Espoo, Finland
Are you involved in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) sector in Finland? Then if you are a techie developer, a UI/UX designer, a civil engineer, or a built environment professional you are invited to participate in AEC Hackathon 2.7 - Helsinki! At this weekend-long event, you will be challenged to create cutting-edge approaches to the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment.
If you need answers to your AEC Hackathon questions, then visit the tips page!
30 Oct - 12:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
30 OCT - 1 NOV
€15,000 PRIZE POOL
Join forces in Amsterdam with other creative innovators and large Dutch organizations during the most inspiring weekend of the year!
Get your hands dirty with datasets and APIs provided by the partners, choose the track that inspires you the most and get creative!
One goal to keep in mind: make life easier.
October 30th - Hackathon day 1
17:00 : Round table (open to everyone)
18:00 : Hackathon launch: welcome & participants check-in
19:00 : Hackathon presentation: objectives, challenges, partners and datasets
19:30 : Pitch ideas
20:30 : Team building & mentoring
21:00 : Start hacking
October 31th - Hackathon day 2
9:00 : Breakfast
12:00 : Hackathon do's & don'ts
13:00 : Lunch
14:00 : Afternoon... Hacking goes on
19:00 : Dinner.. Hacking goes on
November 1st - Hackathon day 3
9:00 : Breakfast
10:00 : Technical rehearsals
12:00 : Lunch
14:00 : Semi-final demos
16:00 : Selected teams announced, Final demos
18:30 : Winners announcement
19:30 : End of the hackathon
Hackathon Women Innovation
12 Oct - 08:30 AM
Paris, France
Travailler à la juste place des femmes dans la société et l’entreprise d’aujourd’hui, promouvoir la mixité en utilisant les technologies du numérique, ça vous dit ?
Porteur d’idées, designer, développeur, sociologue, juriste…homme ou femme :
Rejoignez nous – innovons ensemble !
En amont du Women’s Forum 2015, cette rencontre est organisée en partenariat avec de nombreux réseaux féminins et avec le soutien d’entreprises et institutionnels. Pendant ces deux jours nous réunirons nos compétences au service d’une société plus équitable et inclusive. Nous utiliserons les technologies numériques d’aujourd’hui pour imaginer et réaliser des solutions concrètes : applications mobiles, réseaux sociaux, objets connectés… qui, demain, favoriseront l’équilibre entre les femmes et les hommes dans leur vie quotidienne, professionnelle ou personnelle.
Pour en savoir plus ou déposer une idée, un projet :
AT&T Mobile App Hackathon - Government Solutions (DC)
26 Sep - 06:00 PM
Washington, United States
$20,000 Cash Prize Pool
Mobile app and IoT techies and Government techie professionals in and around the Washington DC Beltway! Have an idea for a mobile app or an Internet of Things (IoT) app for your government entity? Join AT&T's Developer Program for the AT&T Mobile App Hackathon - Government Solutions (DC). Hang out with like-minded techies as you hack and build an awesome mobile and/or IoT app, and compete for a $20,000 cash prize pool across the following categories:
Best Government Solutions App Overall
Best Public Safety App
Best Fleet Management App
Best Supply Chain Management App
Best Use of AT&T M2X
Best Use of IBM Bluemix
Best Use of mBed hardware
Advice on participation is available on the experthackathon tips page!
Ola API Hackathon
26 Sep - 10:00 AM
Bengaluru, India
Two top teams will get a cash prize of INR 4 lacs & AWS credits worth USD 1000, each If you've got creative ideas to integrate Ola API and develop useful web and mobile based products, form a team and be there. Existing Startups who want to explore the deployment of Ola API are encouraged to apply.