Showing results 1 to 10 out of 131
Serendipia Limitless Thailand 2016-17
27 Dec - 12:00 PM
Bangkok, Thailand
Serendipia will be hosting a truly unforgettable event for participants coming from around the world that includes a hackathon, a tour of the temples of Bangkok, and even a 3 day party and workshop combo on the island of Koh Tao for the new year! The hackathon specifically will be focused on implementing one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals from the United Nations to the local community.
DB Open Data Hackathon
16 Dec - 05:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Developers, designers, open data techies! Interested in trains and how open data can make railway travel in Germany better? You're invited to sign up and participate in the Deutsche Bahn (DB) Open Data Hackathon. You'll be challenged to help shape the future of the railway with digital technology. You'll be introduced to open data APIs and data sets provided by Deutsche Bahn and use them to design and develop working prototypes with a 24-hour period. Collaborate and compete to win prizes for your app prototypes using data from the DB APIs.
CINI Smart City University Challenge
16 Dec - 09:00 AM
Milano, Italy
Students at the University of Milan Bicocca! The Department of Computer Science and University Library invites you to participate in the CINI Smart City University Challenge. You will be challenged to design and build software prototypes to provide smart city services in one of two areas:
»Monitoring / reporting on transportation blockages
»Traffic Control
Logistics of the Future - Port Edition '16
09 Dec - 04:15 PM
Antwerpen, Belgium
Interested in transportation and logistics? Interested in ports? Come and participate in Logistics of the Future - Port Edition '16. This event is a logistics hackathon aimed at creating innovations to improve operational efficiency of the Port of Antwerp. Collaborate to create solutions that address one of the folliwng themes:
»Smart Tech
»Import and export
»Logistics and Infrastructure
International UAV Show
06 Dec - 09:00 AM
Toronto, Canada
Interested in the potential for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)? Cambridge House International, Canada's premier conference company, invites you to participate in the Disruptive Business Challenge hackathon, which will be held at the inaugural International UAV Show. You'll network and collaborate with like-minded UAV professionals and enthusiasts to come up with innovative UAV start-up ideas. Your projects should have the potential to create new markets, capture existing ones, and have the ability to change our lives for the better.
Mobility{Hacks} - Hackathon around the future of Mobility
02 Dec - 12:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
If you're a fan of hackathons and are especially keen on finding ways to get from point A to point B quickly, then mobility hacks is the hackathon for you! The goal of the hackathon is to create a concept that combines mobility and tech in urban and rural areas worldwide. Participants will work in teams of up to 5 people, and will present their projects at the end for judging and the chance to win cash and prizes!
HACKATHON Invente tes déplacements de demain
25 Nov - 06:00 PM
dijon, France
Hackers in and around Dijon, France! Come and participate in the "HACKATHON Invente tes déplacements de demain!" This first-time event is based on the theme of mobility, displacement. Showcase your technical skills and creativity to conceive and build a project that addresses challenges such as customer service, mobility, collaboration and community, transportation and online maintenance service.
SpaceUp Manchester
25 Nov - 09:30 AM
Manchester, United Kingdom
Coders, designers, makers, scientists, citizens, space nuts! Sign up to participate in the SpaceUp Hackathon in Manchester.
Come and collaborate on your choice of challenge:
XploraSat Challenge: Develop hardware for use on the XploraSat platform
Destination Discovery Network Challenge: Propose a future Space Mission
Compete for awesome exclusive prizes including the chance to send your hack into Space. Get hackathon advice from the tips page!
SpaceUp Virtual Hackathon
25 Nov - 09:00 AM
Coders, designers, makers, scientists, citizens, space nuts! This is a virtual event—you don't have to be on-site in Manchester to participate! Just register for the SpaceUp Virtual Hackathon. Sign up and collaborate on your choice of challenge:
XploraSat Challenge: Develop hardware for use on the XploraSat platform
Destination Discovery Network Challenge: Propose a future Space Mission
Compete for awesome exclusive prizes including the chance to send your hack into Space. For SpaceUp Virtual hackathon advice visit the tips page!
SpaceUp Hackathon
25 Nov - 09:00 AM
Manchester, United Kingdom
Coders, designers, makers, scientists, citizens, space nuts! Sign up to participate in the SpaceUp Hackathon in Manchester. Compete for awesome prizes including the chance to send your hack into Space. Come and collaborate on your choice of challenge:
XploraSat Challenge: Develop hardware for use on the XploraSat platform
Destination Discovery Network Challenge: Propose a future Space Mission
Get your hackathon advice here on the tips page!