Showing results 71 to 80 out of 131
Open Source Circular Economy Days Maastricht - Hackathon
11 Jun - 09:00 AM
Maastricht, Netherlands
Come attend OSCE Days 2016 Maastricht--a global hackathon-style event and community to create open resources and possibilities for a global shift towards a waste-free, sustainable and an environmentally friendly Circular Economy. People from industry, grassroots, maker & hacker movements, students, etc. will work together on all kinds of challenges discussing, developing and experimenting with the Open Source Circular Economy (OSCE).
OSCE Days 2016 - CIRCULAR COMMUNITY SPACES: Making Open Guidance and Resources
10 Jun - 10:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
Participate in a day of creating open guidance and resources for shared community spaces wanting to go more circular or encourage its users to in their work. This year's challenge activity focuses on Circular Maker Spaces and Open Energy Life Cycles. Participants will be developing circular guidance, inspiration, signage and more and exploring what platform is the best for this. Open Energy Monitor will also be on hand to share and develop further resources around embodied energy and LCA to aid hardware design considerations.
10 Jun - 12:00 AM
Newcastle West, Australia
HunterHackFest is calling out all Hunter region Hackers, Hipsters and Hustlers to join a dash of MakerFaire spirit, a pinch of StartupWeekend spice and some heat from the crucible of TheEdwards Bar and Innx.Hub workspace to quicken the digital pulse of the Hunter region and its urban spaces. Your creations will be part of the Hunter Innovation Festival!
Hackathon HydroTechDays
10 Jun - 12:00 AM
Le Havre, France
Un grand hackathon HydroTech Days se déroulera du vendredi 10 au samedi 11 juin sur le site de l’ENSM (quai Frissard, Le Havre). Marins, logisticiens, étudiants, informaticiens, chercheurs d’emploi embarquerons tous pour 24H de challenge pour proposer les réponses les plus créatives et innovantes aux défis qui leur seront proposés. Ainsi les étudiants de l’ENSM associés aux étudiants des autres campus havrais organisent, avec le soutien de LHackadémie et du Container-Cantine numérique havraise, deux jours de challenge sur les problématiques maritimes. L’inscription est gratuite et ouverte à tous ceux prêts à rejoindre l’équipage. En parallèle le samedi après-midi, le site de l’ENSM sera ouvert au public afin de faire découvrir les métiers de la mer et des démonstrations sur le simulateur de navigation. Nous disposons d’un site internet déjà en ligne pour les inscriptions :
IM Create2 Hackathon
04 Jun - 10:30 AM
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Data scientists, coders, business tinkers, creative types! Come and help create mobility solutions for the future. Participate in the Smart Transport Hackathon and set your mind and skills to create ideas and prototypes that address key developmental needs within the UK’s transport network.
AngelHack Lviv 2016
04 Jun - 09:00 AM
Lviv, Ukraine
This is AngelHack’s 9th Global Hackathon Series. The Challenge is Simple. AngelHack’s nonprofit arm, Code For A Cause, is challenging superhero coders to build a technology that will have a positive impact on the world, people, or environment. No matter your age or skill level, just come and create projects that are innovative, and have the potential to improve or influence people’s lives. Build a hack that people can use, enjoy, and potentially scale and get the chance to fly to Silicon Valley for the Annual Global Demo Day and participate in a week of extensive pitch training!
National Day of Civic Hacking
04 Jun - 08:30 AM
San Francisco, United States
This is a two day event bringing empathy, collaboration, and community-driven design to civic hacking. You won’t want to miss this new, people-centered direction for Code for San Francisco, a weekend of translating San Francisco problems into workable, impactful solutions. This year, the focus will lie on users, meaning citizens, residents, and community members, to discover and define their problems and help them. This event is looking for hackers and doers of all kinds. Come for the community, meaningful work, and good times.
ATX Hack For Change
03 Jun - 05:00 PM
Austin, United States
ATX Hack for Change is Austin’s response to the National Day of Civic Hacking, a White House initiative to inspire citizens to come together and improve their communities. This event aims to provide the community with resourceful projects that will have a lasting, positive impact. Attendees are welcome from every corner of Austin, any industry, any sector, every neighborhood, all experience levels and ages; this is for anyone who cares about sharing their skills with Austin and their community!
Hack ’n’ Roll - Connected Car Hackathon
28 May - 09:00 AM
Torino, Italy
Developers , designers and project managers! Do you want to innovate in the automotive sector? Come along to the Hack 'n' Roll - Connected Car Hackathon. Collaborate with like-minded people on: How to communicate with tomorrow's cars in emergency situations? How to address connection problems and synchronization in a world of connected devices? You'll have 24 hours to develop your response to the connected car challenges and a working prototype.
Accenture Digital Hackathon 2.0
28 May - 09:00 AM
Roma, Italy
This is a two-day long hackathon inviting developers, data analysts, designers and marketers involved in prototyping ideas, services and products that are able to create both economic value and social value for the territory and the community. The technology type with which the teams will be working is the Internet of Things. Participants will be asked to use IoT to create innovating design solutions that will benefit people and the environment including: healthcare, home, education, city, culture, etc. This is a real challenge in which you can turn you talent and creativity into game changing practical solutions!