Showing results 11 to 20 out of 86
Recoding Mobility
23 Nov - 06:00 PM
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
UAE-based developers, marketers, designers, data scientists -- professionals, as well as university students! If you're interested in mobility solutions, then the Dubai Taxi Corporation invites you to participate in their Recoding Mobility Hackathon. You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative solution that can make a Dubai Taxi ride a much better experience -- for the customers and/or driver!
Hack The North - DWP Digital Hackathon
23 Nov - 04:00 PM
Manchester, United Kingdom
The challenge for our hack is to identify and address the barriers to people applying for these jobs, and develop an innovative solution to encourage people to retrain and travel to where the work is. We'll kick things off on Thurs 23/11 from 4pm, when we'll set the scene through some quick-fire presentations from a range of speakers. The teams will then spend the whole day on Fri 24/11 putting their ideas into practice before presenting these to our expert panel towards the end of the day.
Booking.Com & IamtheCODE Developer Hackathon
18 Nov - 08:30 AM
Lagos, Nigeria
Nigerian software engineers, coders, front-end designers, with a Bachelor degree in Computer Science or related subject! Booking.Com invites you to participate in the Booking.Com & iamtheCODE Developer Hackathon. You'll be challenged to design and innovative solution to decode the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs) for Sustainable Tourism in Nigeria. You may -- but don't have to -- start with's API to create a radical and creative solution that perhaps combines transport, activities, events, social media and other sources to solve a problem for travelers to Nigeria and other countries.
Open Sea Lab Hackaton, Bootcamp & Competition
15 Nov - 09:00 AM
Antwerp, Belgium
Three days of workshops, ideation, matchmaking and coaching on your open marine data innovation. Open for individuals as well as teams. Participation is free, register before October 16th!
11 Nov - 10:00 AM
Gandhinagar, India
For 28 hours on November 11 - 12, HackInfinity will bring together developers and designers from across the country to create incredible software and hardware projects. We'll have free food, swag, workshops, mentor-ship, prizes, games, incubation, recruitment and more. We are India's first ever hackathon to provide pre-incubation to some budding ideas.
Colony 5 2017 Civic Tech Challenge Hackathon
03 Nov - 05:30 PM
Chicago, United States
Technology entrepreneurs in the Mid West! If you're interested in smart community technology solutions, then Colony 5 invites you to participate in their 2017 Civic Tech Challenge Hackathon. Bring your best early-stage idea -- Internet of Things, wearables, driverless cars, etc. -- develop it at the event and present it to the expert panel of judges. You could be one of the three chosen to become Entrepreneur in Residence at UI LABS and receive over $100K in support!
HACK MAC PARK - MPID Transport Hackathon
02 Nov - 09:00 AM
Macquarie Park, Australia
On any given day Macquarie Park is home to over 40,000 students, 60,000 workers, 7,000 visitors and 13,000 residents. Movement both to-and-from and within Macquarie Park presents a major opportunity for the precinct. The Macquarie Incubator will host the MPID Transport Hackathon - to look at solutions which enable mobility and connectivity for Macquarie Park. How can we continue to transform the precinct into a world-leading hub to learn, work and play?
Countryside challenge Kholmhack100
30 Oct - 09:00 AM
Katrineholm, Sweden
Useful and valuable digital idéas will be developed during 24 hour Kholmhack100. Needs and challenges from organizations, municipality and small business are input to the teams. Participants interested in digital development are welcome to join, free of charge and "all inclusive". Full pro programmers on place.
HERE Hackathon Istanbul
27 Oct - 06:00 PM
İstanbul, Turkey
Trip & participation to TOA Berlin '18
HERE Hackathon Istanbul challenges you to develop location-based solutions to address the mobility and smart city needs of Turkey On October 27-28, participants will trade their sleep to join like-minded people in a creative environment. You may work solo, come with a team or join one at the event to create an innovative software solution.
Geeks On A Bus à L'École Nationale des Sciences Appliquées d'Agadir
27 Oct - 04:30 PM
Agadir, Morocco
Hackers in Oujda, Morocco! Are you considering whether to participate in the upcoming Hack & Pitch Hackathon regional event in Oujda? Hack & Pitch invites you to jump on the Geeks On A Bus program to attend a 2-hour "Inspiration Workshop" that promotes the spirit of entrepreneurship and encourages the creation of startups in new technologies. Enhance your Hack & Pitch experience with advice from our hackathon tips page!