Showing results 21 to 30 out of 86
Access All Areas Hackathon
25 Oct - 08:00 AM
Slough, United Kingdom
Hackers interested in solutions to problems faced by people with disabilities! The Lab at O2 invites you to participate in the Access All Areas Hackathon. You'll be challenged to design and prototype innovative technology solutions that help make overcome the hurdles caused by problems such as visual impairment, communication difficulties, physical disabilities, and cognitive impairment. Come as a team or join one at the event and come up with an idea that will help people with disabilities to overcome everyday challenges at home, when out and about, or when using technology.
HackTrain 4.0 Pre-Hackathon Meetup!
24 Oct - 06:15 PM
London, United Kingdom
Train enthusiasts and hackers! Are you planning to participate in the HackTrain 4.0 Hackathon? If so, then Hack Partners invites you to come along to the HackTrain Hackathon 4.0 pre-hackathon meetup! Meet like-minded rail enthusiasts and learn all you need to know about HackTrain and how you'll collaborate to create and prototype innovative solutions and new product ideas that address problems in the European rail industry.
Cathay Pacific 24-hour Hackathon
21 Oct - 09:00 AM
Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong
Product managers, designers, developers, and other tech-savvy folks in Hong Kong! Cathay Pacific Airways invites you to participate in their Cathay Pacific 24-hour Hackathon. You'll be challenged to create an innovative technology solution that enhances customers' travel experience with Cathay Pacific! Showcase your creativity and compete for the opportunity to fly to any destination within the Cathay network!
IATA Hackathon 2017 at École Polytechnique (Saclay)
20 Oct - 05:00 PM
PALAISEAU Cedex, France
Developers, designers, marketers, and innovators! If you're interested in the airline industry, then you're invited to sign up to participate in the IATA NDC Hackathon. At this 24-48 hour coding event, you'll be challenged to create innovative new solutions that help enhance airline retailing. You'll get the opportunity to use one or more IATA NDC APIs to address challenges around leisure or business travel.
SIA AppChallenge 2017
14 Oct - 08:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Hackers in Singapore, Jakarta, and the Bay Area! Singapore Airlines (SIA) invites you to sign up to participate in the SIA App Challenge. You'll be challenged to be part of SIA’s Digital Transformation and create an innovative app that solves one of the real world Customer or Operations challenges posed by SIA. You'll leverage APIs provided by SIA, Amadeus, Expedia, SITA, Mastercard, and Panasonic. Teams that win through the preliminary event will be flown free of charge to the final in Singapore.
Hack like a girl! - Travel
13 Oct - 07:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Techies and non-techies in and around Berlin! Women and men who support women! Geek Girls Carrots Berlin invites you to sign up to participate in Hack Like a Girl! - Travel. You'll be challenged to collaborate with developers, designers, women with startup ideas, computer science students, and others to create and prototype an innovative travel solution using the travel domain data and APIs provided by event sponsors. The whole idea behind “Hack Like a Girl” is to promote diversity, collaboration, meeting new friends and the exchange of experiences.
SRM Hackathon
06 Oct - 09:00 AM
Chennai, India
Developers and hackers in and around Chennai! You're invited to sign up to participate in the SRM Hackathon at the SRM University Kattankulathur campus. Showcase your coding skills and create an awesome technology solution to a real world issue in one of the event tracks: Rural Development, Food Processing & Manufacturing, Transportation, Environment, Judiciary, or Media & Entertainment. Pitch your project to the panel of judges and compete for prizes worth 3 Lakhs!
"Innovative Approaches Towards Resource Efficiency & Circular Economy" Interactive Session
06 Oct - 09:00 AM
Tallinn, Estonia
If you are intending to participate in Garage48 Circular Economy 2017, you're invited to attend the pre-event session -- "Innovative Approaches Towards Resource Efficiency & Circular Economy". The session will give prospective hackathon participants an understanding of how innovation happens at Garage48 events and will provide them with a good introduction to the Garage48 Circular Economy.
Emirates CMU Innovation Lab Machine Learning and AI Travel Hackathon
30 Sep - 08:00 AM
Santa Clara, United States
Developers, designers and data scientists in the Silicon Valley! You're invited to participate in the Emirates CMU Innovation Lab Machine Learning and AI Travel Hackathon. You'll be challenged to use machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies -- together with data from Emirates Airline and other sources -- to provide insights, personalized customer experience, and data analytics to improve the Emirates passenger experience. Compete for recognition from this leading airline, as well as terrific cash prizes.
Design Sprint and Hackathon for the 2017 D4SD Civic Design Challenge
22 Sep - 05:30 PM
San Diego, United States
Entrepreneurs, designers, engineers and problem solvers in Southern California! If you're interested in civic design then you're invited to participate in the 2017 D4SD Civic Design Challenge. You'll be challenged to collaborate and compete with like-minded individuals to address pressing mobility-related issues facing the City of San Diego. You'll be able to select from one of four challenges briefs for your solution project: Walking and Biking, Accessibility. Commuter Experience, or Autonomous Vehicles. The best solutions will earn cash prizes and private one-on-one meetings with city leaders and startup investors.