Showing results 41 to 50 out of 86
IATA NDC Hackathon 2017 in Silicon Valley
25 Aug - 05:00 PM
Sunnyvale, United States
Developers, Designers, Marketers, and Innovators! If you're interested in the airline industry, then you're invited to sign up to participate in the NDC Hackathon. At this round-the-clock event, you'll be challenged to create innovative new solutions that help enhance airline retailing. You'll get the opportunity to use one or more NDC APIs to address challenges around leisure or business travel.
STARTUP DRIVE: San Francisco 2017
07 Jul - 06:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
Developers, designers, makers, and other entrepreneurial types in the Bay Area. If you're passionate about mobility tech, then STARTUP DRIVE: San Francisco 2017 is the event for you! If you've got ideas for new and innovative mobility products or services, then come and turn them into reality at this event.
ConCar Hack
05 Jul - 12:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
Connected mobility developers! Are you planning to attend the ConCar expo in Berlin? Why not participate in the ConCarHack will that will take place during the expo? During this one-day hackathon, you will be challenged to hack your best connected mobility solution! It's your choice -- Car2Car, Car2X or Car2Mobile -- create something new using your existing technology, or by using the tech and data provided at the event.
Boston Stupid Shit No One Needs & Terrible Ideas Hackathon
24 Jun - 02:00 PM
Boston, United States
Coders, designers, hackers, techies in and around Boston! Do you have a yen to create something that's terrific, but has absolutely no value at all? You're invited to participate in the Boston Stupid Shit No One Needs & Terrible Ideas Hackathon. So sign up today and build something awesomely valueless!
{re}coding aviation
16 Jun - 07:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Innovators and hackers in Berlin! Think you could make a difference to the passenger journey? Come and showcase your ideas, creativity and coding skills at the {re}coding aviation hackathon. During this 48-hour event, you'll have access to the APIs and datasets of seven major European airports. You'll be challenged to develop an innovative tech solution like AR/VR, wearables, or chatbots that will help improve the overall passenger experience. You'll get to chose one of the following challenge themes:
Challenge 1: Life before the airport
Challenge 2: Life at the airport
Challenge 3: Airport transfers
Challenge 4. Arriving at the destination
14 Jun - 12:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Startups in the London area! If you're planning to attend London Tech Week, then why not showcase your project at the HackXLR8 2017 hackathon that will be held during the TechXLR8 Expo? HackXLR8 2017 is the ideal opportunity for you to showcase your project and your business model!
Charlottesville Civic Innovation Day
03 Jun - 08:00 AM
Charlottesville, United States
Designers, programmers, citizen activists, and technologists in and around Charlottesville, VA. You're invited to participate in the Charlottesville Civic Innovation Day. You'll be challenged to come up with an innovative technology solution that helps address a selected challenge in the community. Specific challenges include:
»Economic indicator dashboard
»Crowdsourced environmental stewardship
»Digital “street sheet” resource for the homeless and hungry
»Reduce traffic congestion and increase mobility in the region
02 Jun - 06:00 PM
Charlestown, Australia
Hackers in and around Lake Macquarie! Dantia Smart Hub (DaSH) invites you to participate in the LakeMacHack. You'll be faced with creating innovative solutions to one of the following challenges:
»Q1: Bus and Beyond: innovate use of existing transport options,
»Q2: Pedalling for Impact: make cycling a more user-friendly, integrated option,
»Q3: LakeMac to Sydney: optimise use of rail and other transport modes.
Geeks On A Bus à L'Université Cadi Ayyad Faculté des Sciences Semlalia Marrakech
24 May - 06:00 PM
Marrakesh, Morocco
Moroccan techies and geeks in and around Marrakech! Hack & Pitch invites you to sign up for Geeks On A Bus to the Faculty of Sciences Semlalia of Marrakech (FSSM) at the Cadi Ayyad University. This event promotes entrepreneurship and encourages the creation of new technology startups. It will also prepare you to participate in one of twelve regional Hack & Pitch Hackathons, where you can compete to have your project selected for a pre-acceleration program.
Be prepared to Hack & Pitch with advice from our hackathon tips page!
2nd Galileo Hackathon
15 May - 12:00 AM
Gdańsk, Poland
Show your coding skills at the second Galileo hackathon!
Galileo, the European Global Navigation Satellite System is now operational and is starting to deliver live services to the Geo-IoT commuinty.
Galileo Hackathoners will be among the first to work with Galileo-enabled mobile phones, which includes the new Android featuring the so called “GNSS raw measurements” . We need creative heads to come up with innovative applications, that make use of the full breadth of Galileo’s capabilities. It can be anything. Just show us how your application can generate an added commercial or societal value by using the Galileo services.
Join our two-day Galileo Hackathon, showcase your skills, connect with the Geo-IoT app-dev community, gain a competitive advantage for your future projects and win great prizes for you and your team.