Showing results 11 to 20 out of 118
Online Info Session for "Hack the Bay Area Traffic Congestion"
30 Nov - 12:30 PM
San Francisco, United States
Hackers in the San Francisco Bay Area! Are you planning to participate in "Hack the Bay Area Traffic Congestion"? This is a traffic congestion hackathon, where you will brainstorm solutions and compete for your share of a $9,000 prize pool. Prior to the event, you're invited to attend an online info session to learn more about the event, its logistics, and how to join a team.
DASA Defence Logistics Hackathon
29 Nov - 10:21 AM
London, United Kingdom
Opportunity to Bid for DASA Funding
Coder, designers, and AI enthusiasts from academia, industry, and government in the defence and security arena! The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) invites you to participate in the DASA Defence Logistics Hackathon. You'll be expected to showcase your logistics skills and creativity by solving a given Defence Logistic Challenge that requires the analysis and sharing of structured and unstructured multi-source data. Compete for the opportunity to bid for funding through DASA Open Call.
Defence Logistics Hackathon
29 Nov - 09:00 AM
London, United Kingdom
Opportunity to Bid for DASA Open Call Funding
Coder, designers, and AI enthusiasts from academia, industry, and government in the defence and security arena! The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) invites you to participate in the DASA Defence Logistics Hackathon. You'll be expected to showcase your logistics skills and creativity by solving a given Defence Logistic Challenge that requires the analysis and sharing of structured and unstructured multi-source data. Compete for the opportunity to bid for funding through DASA Open Call.
Code Automobility LA
25 Nov - 07:30 AM
Los Angeles, United States
Interested in harnessing the power of connected cars? Join us at the Code AutoMobility LA, hosted by Visa and GM, and improve the world around the driving experience! The event includes a $90,000 prize pool, free access to the AutoMobility LA conference, and lots, lots of fun. Don’t miss out!
XR+AI Industrial Design Hackathon
24 Nov - 09:00 AM
Pforzheim, Germany
Organized by medialesson and Meyle+Müller in Partnership with Porsche and Microsoft.
Attendees concept, design and code to solve challenges and experiment with new ideas for Industrial Design using XR and AI with the help of mentors. There will also be cars provided by Porsche to test and explore ideas.
Bring your own ideas or join a team hacking on challenges around UX prototyping for automotive systems, exterior and interior design and many more.
Safer Neighbourhoods Hackathon
23 Nov - 06:00 PM
Toronto, Canada
$7,000 Cash Prizes
Create technology solutions to improve our neighbourhoods
In 2016, 43 pedestrians were killed on the roads of Toronto, while distracted driving was a factor in 65 fatal accidents investigated by the Ontario Provincial Police, more than any other factor including speeding and alcohol.
These are just a couple of issues affecting our local neighbourhoods that the Safer Neighbourhoods Hackathon will endeavour to solve.
Hosted in partnership with Aviva Canada, Sidewalk Labs, The City of Toronto, and ThinkData Works, the Safer Neighbourhoods Hackathon will bring together 80 technology experts, industry professionals, and creative thinkers to develop solutions to challenges that face neighbourhoods today and in the future.
Three winning teams will be awarded a total of $7,000 in prize money.
Teams will develop a technology solution to address one of the following challenges.
Challenge 1: Pedestrian Safety
Develop a technology-based solution that makes neighbourhoods more pedestrian-friendly by preventing pedestrian injuries/fatalities and increasing walkability.
According to the City of Toronto, 43 pedestrians were killed on the roads of Toronto in 2016 and between 2005 and 2016, there were 2,172 pedestrians killed or seriously injured in a collision with a motor vehicle.
The City of Toronto as part of the international Vision Zero campaign has released a 5-year action plan aimed at reducing traffic-related deaths and injuries which includes a number of immediately actionable items. This report creates a strong platform on which to build new technology-based solutions.
The future of neighbourhoods as envisioned by leaders like Sidewalk Labs prioritizes people-centred streets and integrates automated vehicles. New ideas and technology solutions are needed to support this vision and bring it to fruition.
Challenge 2: House-to-house Communication
Develop a technology-based solution that facilitates house-to-house communications to increase opportunities for resource-sharing, leverage personal knowledge and skills and generally increase citizen quality of life.
Sidewalk Toronto is due to become the first entirely connected neighbourhood on the planet, with houses at the heart of this ecosystem. Leveraging this connectivity to improve citizens’ lives will be key to successful neighbourhoods.
Innovative ideas and technologies will be required to successfully raise citizens’ quality of life during the shift from traditional housing to connected communities.
House-to-house communications is not only about borrowing a cup of sugar, but also acting as a first responder in times of need and sharing important knowledge/skills.
Challenge 3: Distracted Driving
Develop a technology-based solution to minimize injuries/fatalities caused by distracted driving.
Research from Aviva shows that 26% of all car crashes involve phone use; this represents one distracted driving accident every 30 minutes.
Inattentive driving was a factor in 65 fatal accidents investigated by the Ontario Provincial Police in 2016 - more than any other factor including speed and alcohol.
Autonomous vehicles will play a major role in the city of the future. However, a transition period will remain where drivers will have to interact with both autonomous and traditional vehicles. New technology solutions can ensure that distracted driving is properly mitigated during this transition period.
Schedule overview:
October 24 to November 19, 2018
Register for the Hackathon and join a team
Friday, November 23 - 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Welcome remarks, info session, and networking
Datasets made available
Start hacking!
Saturday, November 24 - 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Work on your solution
Mentoring sessions
Sunday, November 25 - 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Work on your solution
Mentoring sessions
Judging, pitches, and prizes!
Hosted by: Aviva Canada and OneEleven
Presented by: Sidewalk Labs, ThinkData Works, and the City of Toronto
For any questions in regards to the Safer Neighbourhoods Hackathon, please contact
***Terms & Conditions are listed at the end of this page.***
Tickets are non-refundable.
Hosted by:
Presented by:
For any questions in regards to the Safer Neighbourhoods Hackathon, please contact,
Safer Neighbourhoods Hackathon Terms and Conditions
OneEleven Toronto Inc. is pleased to present the Safer Neighbourhoods Hackathon (“Hackathon”).
The Hackathon is governed by the terms and conditions set out below. By participating in the Hackathon, you agree to abide by those terms and conditions, and the decisions of OneEleven and the Hackathon judges in this merit-based opportunity. You also agree to comply with all applicable laws.
Hackathon Period
The Hackathon period runs from Friday, November 23, 2018 to Sunday, November 25, 2018. The Hackathon winners will be announced on Sunday, November 25, 2018.
It is solely your responsibility to ensure that your application is properly registered. OneEleven will not be responsible for any lost, delayed, misdirected, illegible, incomplete, damaged or undeliverable applications, or any delay or failure to transmit, process, receive or consider applications.
You are responsible for ensuring that all submitted information is up-to-date and accurate.
Eligibility — Entrants
You may enter the Hackathon if at the time of entry: you are above the age of nineteen (19) years of age AND you are fluent in English.
OneEleven employees and their immediate families are not eligible to participate in the Hackathon.
Solutions must be ready to be presented at 3pm on Sunday, November 25th
Presentations must include the following content:
Chosen challenge
Overview of the solution and demonstration of any working product created
Outline of what impact the solution will have
Please include list of which data resources were used - at least 1 data source from the provided list must be used in order to qualify
Judging Process
All teams will present their solutions live on Sunday, November 25, 2018. The projects sought must address one of the Hackathon challenges listed.
The main selection criteria are:
Creativity of the solution (up to 5 points)
Impact of the solution (up to 5 points)
Feasibility of the solution (up to 5 points)
Use of data provided (up to 5 points)
Intellectual property and data
Any information provided by Aviva for the Safer Neighbourhoods Hackathon is owned by Aviva and is supplied only for use during the hackathon. Participants may not use the information for any other purpose without the express written consent of Aviva.
Hackathon partners, who are data providers, retain ownership of all data provided by them for the purposes of the Hackathon regardless of whether these data are protected.
The solutions proposed under the "Safer Neighbourhoods Hackathon" remain the property of the participants and other individuals associated with the event are not authorized to commercialize or implement these solutions without receiving prior consent from the appropriate teams.
All the participants guarantee that they are the exclusive authors of the content (ideas, creations, images and more generally any document) of the projects and that these do not violate, directly and/or indirectly, or incorporates any element that may be the object of a property right of a third party, without any limit of territory.
Image and personal information
Participants authorize the Hackathon partners to publish and reproduce your images, surnames, first names and characteristic elements of your project on any communication medium in connection with the Hackathon (internal or external communication operations), and without compensation of any kind whatsoever.
Except where otherwise prohibited by law, participation in the Hackathon constitutes a participant’s consent to the Hackathon partners for use of images, surnames, first names and characteristic elements of their project on any communication medium in connection with the Hackathon (internal or external communication operations), without further notification, permission, payment or consideration.
Winner compliance with Hackathon Terms and Conditions
The Winners must have complied with, and remain in compliance with, these terms and conditions, and if requested, must sign and deliver to OneEleven (within two (2) days of OneEleven's request) a standard declaration and release form (which will include a declaration of the entrants' compliance with these terms and conditions, an acceptance of the mention as awarded, a publicity release, a liability release) and any other documentation that OneEleven may require.
OneEleven may request valid proof of identity, residency, age and other relevant documentation, and OneEleven may disqualify an entrant if OneEleven determines (at its sole discretion) that the provided proof is not sufficient.
If the prize is returned as undeliverable and the participant is not reachable by telephone, or if a selected participant does not comply with all of the above requirements within the above time frames, or does not otherwise comply with these terms and conditions, the participant will be disqualified. This cannot be refuted after the fact.
First place team: $5000 CAD (to be split equally between team members)
Second place team: $1500 CAD (to be split equally between team members)
Third place team: $500 (to be split equally between team members)
If for any reason OneEleven cannot run the Hackathon as planned OneEleven may cancel, modify, extend or suspend the Hackathon. In that event, OneEleven may make fewer or no awards.
OneEleven may also disqualify any individual who tampers with or in any way corrupts the Hackathon process, or who attempts to undermine the legitimate operation of the Hackathon by cheating, deception, or other unfair practices, or by attempting to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other entrants or Hackathon partner representatives.
At any time and at its own discretion, OneEleven may disqualify any entrant who: does not meet the Hackathon's eligibility criteria, fails to comply with these terms and conditions, attempts to enter the Hackathon in any manner or through any means other than as described in these terms and conditions, attempts to disrupt the Hackathon or attempts to circumvent any of these terms and conditions.
Disclaimers, Liability, and Indemnification
OneEleven is not responsible for: (1) incorrect or inaccurate transcription of entry information or late, lost, incomplete, misdirected entries, or entries received through impermissible or illegitimate channels; (2) technical failures of any kind, including without limitation the malfunctioning of any telephone, computer, network, hardware or software; (3) the unavailability or inaccessibility of any service; (4) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the Hackathon; (5) electronic or human error which may occur in the administration of the Hackathon or the processing of submissions; or (6) any injury or damage to persons or property, including without limitation your computer or cell phone, which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from your participation in the Hackathon or from downloading any material from the Hackathon website.
OneEleven will not be liable to you for any indirect, special, consequential, or punitive damages in connection with the Hackathon or these rules.
OneEleven will not cover any costs associated with participation in the Hackathon.
By participating in this Hackathon, you release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless OneEleven and its employees, directors, officers, affiliates, agents, sponsors, partners, judges and advertising and promotional agencies from any and all damages, injuries, claims, causes of actions, or losses of any kind resulting from your participation in this Hackathon or receipt or use of any prize.
By participating in this Hackathon, you further agree to indemnify and hold harmless OneEleven and its employees, directors, officers, members, affiliates, agents, sponsors, partners, judges and advertising and promotional agencies from any and all damages, injuries, claims, causes of actions or losses of any kind (including actual legal fees and expenses) arising from or related to: (a) your failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions; (b) any misrepresentation you make under these terms and conditions or otherwise to OneEleven; or (c) your participation in the Hackathon.
Personal Information
You consent to OneEleven using and disclosing your images, surnames, first names and characteristic elements of your project for the purposes of administering the Hackathon; advertising the Hackathon and any future Hackathons and any of OneEleven's services; and for the other purposes described in these terms and conditions.
For more information, please contact us at
The Future of Transport in Melbourne Hackathon
23 Nov - 05:30 PM
Carlton, Australia
Transportation and clean energy hackers -- students, entrepreneurs, designers, engineers, professionals -- in and around Melbourne! EnergyLab invites you to participate in The Future of Transport in Melbourne Hackathon. Come with a team, or join one at the event! You'll be challenged to identify a transport-focused clean energy startup idea and to brainstorm, develop and demonstrate an innovative new business concept. Present your project to a panel of expert judges for the chance to win recognition and an awesome prize.
Kreathon Krefeld
23 Nov - 04:00 PM
Krefeld, Germany
Die SWK Stadtwerke Krefeld und die Hochschule Niederrhein laden euch Computer-Freaks, Webdesigner, Programmierer & Co. ein, vier Challenges zu lösen. Gemeinsam habt ihr dafür 24 Stunden Zeit.
SmartCountry Hacks (Hackathon)
20 Nov - 09:00 AM
Berlin, Germany
Public-minded business people, designers, coders, and citizens in Germany! If you are passionate about applying smart city concepts to every municipality and city in the country, then Hackerstolz invites you to participate in the SmartCountry Hacks (Hackathon) at the Smart Country Convention in Berlin. You'll be challenged to design a prototype that delivers digital citizen services to enable a more sustainable and social life in towns, cities, and municipalities.
Mobility Hack Lisbon
17 Nov - 09:00 AM
Lisbon, Portugal
Blockchain is one of the technologies which could disrupt the way various industries work. Join our hackathon to explore, which role blockchain could play in the future of mobility. Be bold, be creative!