Showing results 41 to 50 out of 118
Be Safe Challenge
20 Oct - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
1st Place 3,000€
Parisians! Students, makers, designers, developers, engineers, and ordinary citizens! If you're eager to act to help ensure the safety of women in public spaces and on transportation, then you're invited to participate in the Be Safe Challenge Hackathon. You'll get to collaborate with like-minded individuals to create solutions that will help combat the problems that women face every day -- incivilities, street and transport harassment, feelings of insecurity, cyber and physical violence.
Hackathon Be Safe Challenge
20 Oct - 09:00 AM
Paris, France
1st Place 3,000€ *** INSCRIPTIONS OBLIGATOIRE SUR ***Innover pour la sécurité des femmes dans les espaces publics et les transportsIncivilités, harcèlement de rue et dans les transports, sentiment d’insécurité, cyberviolence et violences du quotidien, la sécurité des femmes est un problème de société. Pour preuve, une femme sur deux a parfois peur de sortir seule et la majorité des utilisatrices des transports en commun déclarent avoir subi, au moins une fois dans leur vie, des violences sexistes et sexuelles.Citoyens de tous horizons, il en va de notre responsabilité d’agir!Mêlez vous à des équipes interdisciplinaires composées d’étudiants, de makers, de designers, de développeurs, d’ingénieurs et participez à la création d’innovations pour améliorer la sécurité des femmes et des personnes fragiles dans l’espace public et dans les transports.Ce challenge est aussi une opportunité d’apprendre pleins de choses sur l'entrepreneuriat et de monter un vrai projet d’entreprise à impact, tout en étant accompagné par des équipes de coachs, de mentors et d’experts pendant 3 mois.*** INSCRIPTIONS OBLIGATOIRE SUR ***
NASA Space Apps Challenge 2018 : Hackathon
20 Oct - 09:00 AM
Singapore, Singapore
Technologists, scientists, designers, artists, educators, entrepreneurs, developers, and students in and around Singapore! NASA has commissioned the NASA International Space Apps Challenge (ISAC) to get people around the world to collaborate on its mission directives. If you're interested in space travel, then you are invited to sign up for the Singapore edition. You'll be part of a 48-hour global collaborative hackathon focused on space exploration.
NASA Space Apps Challenge 2018
20 Oct - 09:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
Trip to NASA Kennedy Space Center
Developers, designers, engineers, entrepreneurs, astronomers, and space enthusiasts in the San Francisco Bay Area! WeSolve World invites you to participate in the 2018 NASA Space Apps Challenge—a 48-hour global weekend hackathon focused on space exploration. Join the contest to design and build a prototype solution to a designated space challenge. Two winning teams from each location will be nominated for global judging. Your team will create a short video project demo and present it to a jury of NASA experts for the chance to win a trip to NASA's Kennedy Space Center for a rocket launch! Advice from our hackathon tips pagecan improve your 2018 NASA Space Apps Challenge experience!
NASA International Space Apps Challenge 2018 Boston
20 Oct - 08:30 AM
Boston, United States
Scientists, artists, techies, designers, engineers, entrepreneurs, astronomers, and space enthusiasts in the Greater Boston Area! Binnovative invites you to participate in the NASA International Space Apps Challenge 2018 Boston. At this 48-hour global weekend hackathon, you'll be challenged to address challenges in Earth science and space exploration. You will get to be part of a diverse technical and professional international team of 5 to 8 participants from Japan and Boston. The Japanese participants will participate via conferencing tools such as Google Hangout and Skype. Visit the expert tips page to prepare for your hackathon experience!
NASA Space Apps Challenge 2018
19 Oct - 07:00 PM
Madrid, Spain
Technologists, scientists, designers, artists, educators, entrepreneurs, developers, and students in Spain! NASA has commissioned the NASA International Space Apps Challenge (ISAC) to get people around the world to collaborate on its mission directives. If you're interested in space travel, then you are invited to sign up for the Madrid edition. You'll be part of a 48-hour global collaborative hackathon focused on space exploration.
Space Apps 2018, challenge d'innovation : la NASA a besoin de vous !
19 Oct - 07:00 PM
Vaulx-en-Velin, France
Technologists, scientists, designers, artists, educators, entrepreneurs, developers, and students in France! NASA has commissioned the NASA International Space Apps Challenge (ISAC) to get people around the world to collaborate on its mission directives. If you're interested in space travel, then you are invited to sign up for the Lyon edition. You'll be part of a 48-hour global collaborative hackathon focused on space exploration.
NASA Space Apps Challenge 2018
19 Oct - 07:00 PM
New York, United States
Technologists, scientists, designers, artists, educators, entrepreneurs, developers, and students in and around Greater New York City! NASA has commissioned the NASA International Space Apps Challenge (ISAC) to get people around the world to collaborate on its mission directives. If you're interested in space travel, then Space Apps NYC invites you to sign up for the New York edition. You'll be part of a 48-hour global collaborative hackathon focused on space exploration.
2018 NASA Space Apps Hackathon - Kitchener-Waterloo Region
19 Oct - 05:30 PM
Kitchener, Canada
2 Winners Progress to Global Final
SkyWatch is proud to announce the return of the NASA International Space Apps Challenge to the Waterloo region, from October 19 - 21, 2018. This year’s hackathon will attract many of Waterloo’s top tech talent – developers, makers, citizen scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs – who will work non-stop for 48 hours to address NASA-designed challenges. Waterloo joins nearly 200 other cities hosting their own Space Apps Challenges that weekend, for an estimated total of 25,000 global participants, making it the largest hackathon in the Universe. Two winning solutions from the Waterloo challenge will move on to compete with other winners from across the globe, to be judged at NASA headquarters. More info about Space Apps KW 2018 at   FAQs HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO ATTEND? This event is completely free to attend. We are also collecting donations for a local charity: oneROOF, should you choose to. oneROOF Youth Services is committed to providing for the safety, support and overall well-being of youth who are experiencing homelessness, and youth who are at-risk of homelessness, aged 12-25, in Waterloo Region. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? Space belong to all. We welcome all and everyone. Whether you are a coder extraordinaire, a rocket scientist, or simply a student with an affinity for space, you have a place here.  WHAT IS THE MINIMUM AGE FOR PARTICIPANTS? There is no minimum age for participation in Space Apps, and many youth and children have participated in past events. We only note that participants under 13 must have a parent or guardian register for them and attend with them.  DO I REGISTER AS AN INDIVIDUAL OR AS A TEAM? Participants will need to register as individuals, not teams. Participants will form project teams at Space Apps events and teams will submit their projects by creating a project page on the day of the hackathon. WHAT IF I'VE NEVER BEEN TO A HACKATHON BEFORE? Welcome! Participants of all skill levels will be there. We’ll have talks, mentors and workshops to help you with your project; hackathons can be a great place to learn new skills in a short amount of time. Just be eager to learn, and excited to meet lots of awesome people. IS THE EVENT LIMITED TO JUST SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT? Absolutely not, Space Apps projects don't have to be apps. We need people with all types of skills to participate! Teams need project managers, designers, artists, educators, writers - anyone who can help advance the cause. You can contribute! Participants in the event will collaborate to build software, open hardware, data visualization, and citizen science platform solutions that contribute to solving global challenges that focus on improving life on earth. In fact, most teams will benefit from having non-programmers working with them. HOW CAN I CONTACT THE ORGANIZER? Please feel free to email us, message us on Twitter, or join our Slack group.  
Hackatravel 2018: 24 horas para cambiar el futuro de la indutria de los viajes.
19 Oct - 05:00 PM
Bogotá, Colombia
Crucero por el caribe con todo incluido
La Hackatravel 2018 es una competencia de 24 horas que se realiza anualmente en Bogotá, organizada por Aviatur, Travelport y TadeoLAB, en asocio con GHL Hoteles y Pullmantur Cruceros, abierta a emprendedores, desarrolladores, diseñadores y apasionados de la industria de los viajes y el turismo.