Showing results 1 to 10 out of 89
Campus Community Hackathon
14 Dec - 11:00 AM
Offenbach am Main, Germany
The Campus Community Hackathon brings together coders, entrepreneurs, tech evangelists, entrepreneurs, UX superheroes and data fanatics. Join us for our first hackathon to work on digital solutions and to ingnite the flow of ideas between coders, entrepreneurs and smart minds from different fields.
E-Mobility Hackathon München
07 Dec - 08:30 AM
München, Germany
Der 1. Münchner E-Mobility Hackathon richtet sich an Studenten und Young Professionals aus allen Bereichen. Egal ob du Hacker, Hustler oder Designer bist: Gestalte die elektrische Mobilität der Zukunft, arbeite an eigenen Ideen oder an den Problemstellungen unserer Hackathon-Partner.
Man kann alleine teilnehmen oder gleich als Team.Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Für das leibliche Wohl ist gesorgt.
Wann: Samstag, 07.12.2019 ab 08.30h
Wo: E-Mobility Hub, Landsberger Str. 318a, 80687 München (Office von ChargeX, Emmi & Nextmove)
Coding the New
05 Dec - 09:00 AM
Karlsfeld, Germany
The MAN Hackathon 2019 is a three-day event that aims to innovate the transportation ecosystem, hosted by MAN Truck & Bus SEin Munich. Everybody is invited to join our Hackathon. So, whether you are a developer, a designer, a product manager or just interested in what is happening at the Hackathon, assemble your team and apply. At the Hackathon, we want to have fun and tackle challenging problems in interdisciplinary teams supported by domain experts from the transportation industry.
Our partners Microsoft, Accenture, futurice and Zentrum für Digitalisierung Bayern will support the teams at the hackathon with experienced coaches and mentors.
Predicting Food delivery timing Hackathon by IMS Proschool & AIM
05 Dec - 08:30 AM
₹25,000 Amazon cash voucher
Data scientists and hackers in India! You're invited to participate in the Predicting Food Delivery Timing Hackathon. You'll be provided with data on online food order delivery times from thousands of restaurants in India. You'll be challenged to design and prototype a delivery time predictor model based on the given factors. Compete against your peers for the chance to win a ₹25,000 Amazon cash voucher and a free pass to Machine Learning Developers Summit 2020 (MLDS-20).
Digital Sky Challenge at Athens International Airport
02 Dec - 01:00 PM
Athens, Greece
Great opportunity to participate in a 48h non-stop Digital Sky Challenge organised by ACI EUROPE and SESAR both taking place from 2 to 4 December in Athens, kindly hosted by Athens International Airport.
Kerbspace Hack
30 Nov - 09:30 AM
London, United Kingdom
Ford Mobility's Kerbspace Hack is a two-day innovation sprint inviting tech experts to generate intelligent solutions using the Kerbspace API portal and data that can help improve kerb space in the city of London.
About Kerbspace Solutions
Digital Kerbspace is a suite of bespoke solutions that have been developed in collaboration with city and local government partners to manage their kerb space more effectively.
The Challenge
Traffic congestion, emissions, road accidents, etc. limit the efficiency of urban transport systems. Kerb plays a pivotal role in transforming urban transport systems, not just for on-street parking but as pick-up/ drop-off points, delivery hotspots, parking new mobility vehicles, etc.
Prize pool: 10K£
UNIQUE LOGISTICS HACKATHON - Second edition - Belgium/Antwerp 27-28/11/19
27 Nov - 04:00 PM
Antwerpen, Belgium
The logistics hackathon is a platform to collaborate and create innovative solutions for 6 challenging logistics issues. Each of these cases is brought to you by one of these leading shippers and service providers in Belgium. Challenges are distributed on a first come, first serve-basis at the check-in of the hackathon on Wednesday, November 27th. We reveal the challenges on 01/09/19. You can allready register now, registration is for free.
22 Nov - 06:00 PM
Marche-en-Famenne, Belgium
Form your multidisciplinary teams from 3 to 6 participants (freelances welcome) and mix your skills (developers, graphic designers, gamers, ...)!
Whether in development, gaming, graphics, communication or the field of education, coaches will be present to lead you to victory!
Drinks, meals, snacks and drinks included! Take advantage of our dedicated spaces: rest area (annex room), showers and toilets.
Hack & Bot
21 Nov - 06:47 PM
Saint-Denis, France
Le challenge :
SNCF met à disposition sa plateforme conversationnelle open source pour créer facilement des chatbots. L’objectif : améliorer l’expérience de voyage ! Mobilité urbaine, inter-urbaine, écomobilité, multi-modalité, etc. Les cas d’usages sont nombreux, à vous de proposer de nouveaux services !
Les prix :
3 équipes ressortiront gagnantes de Hack & Bot !
🥇 1er Prix : 2 500€ de chèques cadeaux
🥈 2ème Prix : 1 500€ de chèques cadeaux
🥉 3ème Prix : 1 000€ de chèques cadeaux
Pour qui ? Les équipes seront composées de profils externes et de collaborateurs SNCF ; le hackathon est ouvert à tous ! Développeurs, designers, chefs de projet, étudiants, startups, etc.
Infos-clés :
Quand ? 21 et 22 novembre 2019
Où ? SNCF Campus Rimbaud - 574 (La Plaine Saint-Denis) RER D - Stade de France Saint Denis
Github plateforme TOCK :
AutoMobility LA Hackathon
17 Nov - 12:48 PM
Los Angeles, United States
More than 125 million cars with embedded connectivity are forecasted to be shipped worldwide between 2018 and 2022. That’s UNREAL! What if you could build a cutting-edge app that could be used in connected cars?
During the AutoMobility LA Hackathon, you get the chance to do just that! Utilize data, technology, and onsite mentorship from Amazon Web Services, HERE Technologies, and SiriusXM to bring your ideas to life.
Oh, and the prizes! We have a$20,000 prize pool with 7 different team prizes available,including the$10K grand prize.
The hack is happening right before the AutoMobility LA Conference kicks off (November 17th-18th) at the Los Angeles Convention. You can even use your hackathon badge to attend AutoMobility LA!