Showing results 11 to 20 out of 89
17 Nov - 08:00 AM
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Abu Dhabi Digital Authority is hosting a 48-hour hackathon inviting developers, entrepreneurs, designers, and other skilled individuals to showcase the future of Abu Dhabi through the use of Artificial Intelligence.
You will have three challenges to choose from:
1. Wildlife management - Behavior prediction
2. Inspection Route Optimisation - Route and resource constraint analysis
3. Government Policy Management - Virtual Digital Assistant
Amazing prizes - visit the official website to find out more
16 Nov - 09:00 AM
Santa Severa, Italy
3000 euro
The Copernicus Hackathon HACK4SEA basically refers to solutions, products and services for all marine applicationsand therefore designed on the specific topic of maritime ecosystem and blue economy within the regional coasts of Lazio, starting from relevant problems related to (but not limited to) services for access to ports, those related to the movement of goods, passenger transport services, inland navigation, training, fishing, innovative supply chains for nautical tourism and environmental protection. In general, the applications can be related to the themes of environmental protection, monitoring of port and logistic infrastructures and tourism.
Rush Hour Mobility Hackathon
15 Nov - 07:00 PM
Boulogne-Billancourt, France
RDV les 15, 16 & 17 novembre prochains pour le hackathon Renault Digital ! 🚙📱
On vous invite au coeur de leur écosystème de multi-modalité urbaine lors du Rush Hour Mobility Hackathon !
Votre mission ?
Nous sommes dans un futur proche, les taxis autonomes font désormais partie de notre mobilité. Imaginez les nouvelles applications de mobilité urbaine afin de garantir la meilleure expérience utilisateur face aux imprévus de la ville !
Le mot d’ordre ? La multi-modalité !
Vos outils :
Pour cela, vous aurez accès à l’environnement technique MEOOCar de Renault Digital, qui permet la simulation de mini voitures autonomes conscientes de leur environnement extérieur et capables d’interagir avec l’utilisateur via des apps on et off board.
Pour qui ?
Rush Hour Mobility Hackathon est ouvert aux joueurs expérimentés : développeurs, designers… plongez dans un tout nouvel écosystème et venez relever le défi !
- Votre code saura-t-il déjouer les imprévus du parcours ? -
USI HACKATHON 2019 // Making Data Alive
15 Nov - 06:00 PM
Lugano, Switzerland
CodeLounge, the center for software research & development of theSoftware Institute, is pleased to announce the USI Hackathon 2019, which will take place in the USI Aula Magnafrom Friday (Nov 15) to Sunday (Nov 17).
The USI Hackathon represents a first experiment in Lugano of an open data approach to share city-related data, in particular regarding city mobility flows. To this aim, a number of datasets concerning the city of Lugano and, in particular, its mobility, will be given to the participants. The City of Lugano will provide real data through theLugano Living Labinitiative.
The goal of the USI Hackathon 2019 is to find interesting facts and trends in the data (data analysis track) and to leverage the data to build prototypes useful for citizens and tourists (coding track). In the coding track the teams with the best tool or prototype will be awarded, whereas in the data analysis track is all about producing the best data analysis. More details as well as examples of prototypes and analysis can be found in theFAQ.
Moreover, there will be a“Mini-Hackathon”, a special competition for kids and their families, will take place on Saturday (November 16) with an award ceremony at the end of the day.
Kreathon 2019 – Solve the Problem
15 Nov - 02:00 PM
Krefeld, Germany
Die Stadtwerke Krefeld AG und die Hochschule Niederrhein laden euch Computer-Freaks, Webdesigner, Programmierer & Co. wieder nach Krefeld ein. Zusammen mit dem diesjähirgen Kooperationspartner Canon haben wir 6 Challenges für euch gesammelt. Neben einem Preisgeld von insgesamt 6.000 Euro warten 24 Stunden Spaß, Teamwork und Kreativität auf euch. Außerdem dürft ihr euch wieder auf feinstes Catering und ein abwechslungsreiches Rahmenprogramm freuen. Unsere Challenge-Paten und Professoren der Hochschule stehen die gesamte Zeit mit Rat, Tat und Infos zur Seite. Übrigens besteht in unserem Maker-Space vor Ort die Möglichkeit Platinen herzustellen, zu bestücken, zu verdrahten und zu löten. Zur Verfügung stehen die Mini-Computer Arduino und Raspberry Pi mit passendem Sensorik-Auswahlkoffer. Auch 3D-Drucker sind benutzbar (Format *.stl).
Die Teilnahme ist für jeden möglich, egal ob Schülerinnen und Schüler, Studentinnen und Studenten, Mitarbeitende von Unternehmen und auch Privatpersonen und Interessierte jeden Alters, die Ihre Kreativität einbringen wollen. Teilnehmende unter 18 benötigen die Erlaubnis eines Erziehungsberechtigten.
Worauf wartet ihr? Jetzt schon einmal auf unserer Webseite fĂĽr die Anmeldung vorregistrieren!
Hackathon online Youth 4 Good
15 Nov - 12:00 PM
Participa en el Hackathon social de la Fundación Vodafone y resuelve un reto en 48h para hacer tu ciudad más sostenible
Consiste en un breve curso decinco micro mĂłdulosen el que encontrarás lecturas, gráficos y vĂdeos,y en el que te guiaremos para conseguir madurar tu idea y encontrar unasoluciĂłn al reto propuesto.
Aunque la inscripciĂłn es individual, puedes realizarlo en grupo.
HackTrain VI
15 Nov - 12:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
ÂŁ600 Travel Vouchers
Developers, designers, railway entrepreneurs, and policymakers! Join us on a journey to innovate the rail industry over 3 crazy days of hacking!In the hackathon, you'll get to collaborate and compete on your participation track selected from one of Passenger Experience,Rolling Stock Enhancement, Network Experience or Intelligent Infrastructure!Register here and then go to in order to receive the official chocolate ticket to take part in the hackathon.
We’ve upped the game this year. For the Network Rail challenges, the best ideas have an opportunity to receive acceleration funding to further develop them after the hackathon!
15 Nov - 09:00 AM
Thanesar, India
Hacking is building things that you always wanted to work on but hasn't been built yet. It's to come up with an amazing and unique idea and work tirelessly on it till you achieve your goal. It's not only about the victories but also about the multiple failures that lead you to be the best version of yourself. It's about trying out new things that you've never encountered before. It's to work together in a team and build things that are innovative. It's to be a better programmer.
With that spirit, to bring forth the hacking and coding talent of students of our institute, UIET Kurukshetra University is conducting a 36-hour Hackathon 'Hack-n-Cody' to solve real-world challenges and invites all developers and hackathon institutes to participate in an interesting and challenging competition.
Hack-n-Cody is a hackathon designed to encourage developers and problem solvers to build hacks that address global challenges and make this world a better place to live.
Hack-n-Cody is committed to accessibility and is open to any high school or college student looking to learn, create and have fun! Prior programming experience is not a mandate. This event - including food, swag, and prizes - is entirely free to attend!
Join us to:
Gain new skills through projects and workshops
Learn to build hacks and solve problems with technology
Network with other problem-solvers and developers
Learn to take your idea and turn it into a scalable product
Win great prizes
Swags and food are provided by us
DeCode Congestion Hackathon
08 Nov - 06:00 PM
Vancouver, Canada
Developers, designers, data scientists and strategists are being invited to take part in the City of Vancouver's DeCode Congestion Hackathon. At this three day event, we’ll work together to combine data, technology, and talent to shape creative ideas to optimize street us for an efficient, safe and reliable transportation network.
Copernicus Hackathon in Athens 2019
08 Nov - 02:00 PM
Marousi, Greece
The Copernicus Hackathon in Athens is back!
Following last year's success, the Copernicus Hackathon returns to Athens for a 2019 edition, on 8-9 November. For one more time the Athens CopHack will give you the chance to meet people that share the same interest with you on the ways Space Technologies can be used to explore a multitude of application fields on Earth. Together with other enthusiastic people you will get free access to Copernicus space data, DIAS services and support from mentors and the option to follow several business and technical workshops.
Participation is for free.