Showing results 21 to 30 out of 89
Atlanta Talking Traffic Lights: A Smart Vehicle Blockchain, AI, and IoT Tech Challenge
07 Nov - 05:30 PM
Alpharetta, United States
Smart vehicles are the future of transportation. Talking Traffic Lights is a smart vehicle safety innovation challenge that brings together robust city data with the bright minds of established IT companies to create connected vehicle safety innovations. The goal is to have companies interpret GDOT traffic light and connected vehicle data to help them identify opportunities for road safety in smart vehicles. The winner will receive $75,000 and an opportunity to pilot their innovation with GDOT. Participating companies will also work directly with GDOT ‘s technology team to understand the data prior to the challenge. Furthermore, all participating companies will be included in promotional materials to give the companies visibility – whether they are selected as the winners or not.
Seaquam Hackathon 2019
02 Nov - 10:00 AM
Delta, Canada
Seaquam Secondary's first ever held hackathon will bring high-school students from all over British Columbia to solve a problem regarding climate change. You can go soloor create a team ofup to 5 people. You and your team members shouldbe currently in highschool. Participants will present an idea or a working model through code or some other form oftechnology to the respected judges. The winner will be decided by experienced computer teachers. There is a grand prize of 200$ for the winning team or the winning person. Also, there is a limit of 50 people for the competition so do not waste time and sign up!!!There will be a $5 addimission fee per personwhich will be donated to school resources and charities.
SmarTone Hackathon 2019
27 Oct - 04:34 PM
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Hong Kong is entering the 5G era! For the third year, the SmarTone Hackathon is back on 26th & 27th October! This year, the hackathon will take on 5G and Smart City. SmarTone Hackathon 2019 is a competition for new possibilities and is now open for new ideas on creating future 5G services and Smart City developments! During the hackathon weekend, you and your team - which you can create online before the event or on the day of - will have the opportunity to tackle one of the key themes in “5G and Smart City”: i) Smart Living, ii) Smart Transportation, iii) Smart Shopping and iv) Smart IoT. Winning Teams will have the chance to receive prizes worth over $120,000, including latest gadgets, investment opportunity in SHKP Group, internship opportunities at SHKP, fast track interview opportunities to Cyberport’s entrepreneurship programmes, and more! REGISTER today to secure your spot for the SmarTone Hackathon!
Road Safety & Traffic Management Hackathon
19 Oct - 09:42 PM
Hyderabad, India
As a growing city, Hyderabad faces challenges related to Traffic management, seamless Multi-modal transport, Road-infra, and Commuter behavior. As citizens, we often complain and go to social media to vent our ire. But can we do something more constructive. Here is an opportunity to give suggestions and showcase innovative solutions to policymakers, key influencers and enforcement agencies. What: Society of Cyberabad Security Council (SCSC) along with Cyberabad Police and Cyberabad Traffic Police is hosting a 36 hour hackathon on Road Safety and Traffic Management. Idealabs is the implementation partner for the Hackathon. We invite solutions to specific challenges on four major themes that have been identified as the major issues by the Cyberabad Police. When: 19thOctober 9.00 am to 20thOctober 6.00 pm (36 hours Overnight Hackathon) You can find all the themes and challenges and register on our portal: Incentives: This is also a great opportunity for the participants toshowcasetheir solutions to a host of Industry leaders, policymakers and key influencers. The selected solutions will get an opportunity to beincubatedandadoptedby the Cyberabad Police and concerned departments. What can be a better incentive than seeing your solution working in your city! Venue: The venue for the event isT-Hub, a destination for Innovation and India’s largest incubator and startup engine. Come, Let us build solutions for our City!!! Registration link:
Space Apps MKE
19 Oct - 10:00 AM
Milwaukee, United States
Developers, designers, engineers, entrepreneurs, astronomers, and space enthusiasts in Milwaukee and across Wisconsin! Jet Constellations invites you to participate in Space Apps MKE—a 48-hour global weekend hackathon focused on space exploration. Join the contest to design and build a prototype solution to one of the following space challenges: 1UP for NASA Earth Down these Green Streets Spot That Fire V2.0 The Art Side of the Moon Trash Cleanup Rising Water Up, Up, and Away! The Trans-Neptunian Spaceway Visit the expert hackathon advice page for practical advice on Space Apps MKE participation!
NASA Space Apps Challenge 2019
18 Oct - 06:00 PM
New York, United States
Trip to NASA Kennedy Space Center
Scientists, artists, techies, designers, engineers, entrepreneurs, astronomers, and space enthusiasts in and around the Big Apple! SpaceApps NYC invites you to participate in the NASA Space Apps Challenge 2019. At this 48-hour global weekend hackathon, you'll be challenged to address challenges in Earth science and space exploration. Two winning teams from each location will be nominated for global judging. Your team will create a short video project demo and present it to a jury of NASA experts for the chance to win a trip to NASA's Kennedy Space Center for a rocket launch! The expert tips page provides practical advice on hackathon participation!
2019 NASA Space Apps Challenge, Brisbane
18 Oct - 10:00 AM
Fortitude Valley, Australia
Trip to NASA's Kennedy Space Center
Scientists, artists, programmers, storytellers, students, makers, and space enthusiasts in Brisbane and throughout Queensland! Rodney Persky and Olena Tymchenko invite you to participate in the 2019 NASA Space Apps Challenge, Brisbane. At this 48-hour global weekend hackathon, you'll be challenged to address challenges in Earth science and space exploration. Two winning teams from each location will be nominated for global judging. Your team will create a short video project demo and present it to a jury of NASA experts for the chance to win a trip to NASA's Kennedy Space Center for a rocket launch! Enhance your hackathon experience with expert advice from the tips page!
NASA Space Apps Challenge Guanajuato
18 Oct - 09:00 AM
Guanajuato, Mexico
Scientists, artists, programmers, students, makers, and space enthusiasts in Guanajuato, Mexico! You are invited to participate in the local edition of the global NASA Space Apps Challenge held at the University of Guanajuato. At this 48-hour weekend hackathon, which is held in locations around the world, you will be asked to address challenges in Earth science and space exploration. Two winning teams from each location will be nominated for global judging. Your team will create a short video project demo and present it to a jury of NASA experts for the chance to win a trip to NASA's Kennedy Space Center for a rocket launch! Enhance your hackathon experience with advice from our expert tips page!
International NASA Space Apps Challenge - Huntsville 2019
18 Oct - 08:00 AM
Huntsville, United States
Over $10,000 in cash and prizes
Developers, designers, engineers, entrepreneurs, astronomers, and space enthusiasts in and around Huntsville, Alabama! Urban Engine—Huntsville non-profit ideation accelerator—invites you to participate in the International NASA Space Apps Challenge - Huntsville 2019. At this 48-hour global weekend hackathon, you'll be challenged to address critical Earth Science challenges faced in space exploration and human life. Come collaborate and compete for your share of over $10,000 in cash and prizes. Find answers to your hackathon questions on the tips page!
Hackathon by e.GO Digital 2019
17 Oct - 10:00 AM
Aachen, Germany
Sei einer/eine der ausgewählten Teilnehmer/Teilnehmerinnen und befasse dich alleine oder mit einem Team mit kreativen Ideen rund um Mobilität. Hierbei erwarten dich spannende Aufgabenstellungen rund um das Thema On Demand Mobilität, Intermodalität oder Möglichkeiten der Elektromobilität rund um Heim und Haus. Neben der Challenge gibt es Coaching- und Networking-Möglichkeiten, sowie Key Note Vorträge von erfahrenen Branchenprofis. Für Getränke, Verpflegung und Entertainment wird gesorgt sein. Alles was du brauchst ist dein Laptop, dein Ladegerät und einen Schlafsack oder eine Isomatte. Die besten Ideen werden von einer Experten-Jury bewertet und sind mit einem Preisgeld dotiert! Hier geht's zur Anmeldung: