Showing results 31 to 40 out of 89
Smart Hackathon
11 Oct - 03:04 PM
Brussel, Belgium
During3 days, or30 hoursof work dedicated to creating digital & innovating solutions, exciting new projects will see the light of day. Friday evening, different profiles will be teamed up inseparate groups, specialized in IT, business, construction and design. This multidisciplinarity will give each group the possibility to transformdreams and ideasintoconcrete solutionswith real business opportunities.
The main goal of the event is to find solutions on :
Smart Energy: How can we use technology (hardware and software) to optimize energy efficiency?
Smart Workspace: How can we offer smart solutions to make every office building a great place to work?
Smart Mobility: How can we contribute to solve the mobility challenges in our cities?
Smart Construction: How can we enhance working process for people building smart living space?
Smart Safety & Security: How can we improve people’s safety and security in a smart building/district/city?
Event in English, with Coachs (FR & NL)
11 Oct - 12:37 AM
Kattankulathur, India
Ever been in a situation when you have a great idea but you're stuck to make it through, or need a little guidance to be on the other side of the road? Well, we are back to provide you a platform that would hear out your solutions and help make your ideas become a reality. To transmute your thoughts with some sheer guidance into a lifetime experience, we are back with the fourth edition ofSRM Hackathon. Yes, you heard it right! The ultimate36-hour development waris back!
Intriguing enough? Well, we give all of you tech enthusiasts, from students to professionals, a plethora of opportunities by which you would not only get connected to the corporate world and experience its working but also open yourself to an internship panel! An opportunity that would open doors for you on a scale that you just can't miss! It’s time to come and live the experience.
All you've got to do is bring in yourteam of 1-5on the11th and 12th October, 2019and be a part of the legacy. With the Hackathon getting bigger and grander, you’ve got to persist and hold on to that one idea that could win you the title for this year’s Champion. Apart from winning amazing cash prices and rewards, come be tagged as the creators. Submit your creative ideas before3rd October 2019. Who knows, an idea could change your life!
2º Meetup - Nasa Space Apps Aracaju
10 Oct - 03:00 PM
Aracaju, Brazil
Brazilian hackers in and around Aracaju! Are you planning to participate in the NASA Space Apps Challenge 2019? You're invited to come and attend a Space Apps pre-event meetup at the Aracaju Campus of the Federal Institute of Sergipe. You'll be given an introduction to the challenge areas of the Space Apps Challenge, so you'll be prepared to explore possible projects for the Challenge itself and decide what next-generation space technology solution you'll build.
Advice from our hackathon tips page can improve your NASA Space Apps Challenge experience!
03 Oct - 09:00 AM
Barcelona, Spain
Join our DigiEduHack to connect with other educational professionals, innovators and entrepreneurs to co-create the future of education. Help us solve the challenge of "encourage women to join IT", turn your vision into reality and showcase your solutions on a European and global scale. Experts and mentors will support your team during the 24 hours in finding the best solutions to the challenges. The best teams can win local prices and €5000 in a global award contest. Join us at
Safran Challenge
01 Oct - 11:29 AM
À partir du 1er octobre, étudiants ingénieurs, designers, en école de commerce et universités scientifiques sont invités à rejoindre la plateforme en ligne du challenge et postez leur solution avant le 24 novembre.
Via cette plateforme, ils pourront également trouver des coéquipiers, assister à des conférences lives par des experts, et échanger avec les mentors Safran.
À la suite ces 2 mois de challenge en ligne, les équipes Safran désigneront les finalistes qui viendront pitcher leur solution dans les locaux de Safran.
Les 3 meilleures solutions remporteront :
1er Prix : 1 visite de site en Californie pour pitcher la solution aux équipes sur place + 2 000€ pour une association de leur choix
2ème Prix : 1 visite de site en Europe pour pitcher la solution aux équipes sur place + 2 000€ pour une association de leur choix
3ème Prix : 1 visite de site en France pour pitcher la solution aux équipes sur place + 2 000€ pour une association de leur choix
Global Travel Hackathon - Barcelona Edition
27 Sep - 07:00 PM
Barcelona, Spain
At, we care. We love the world of travel, but we’re aware of its dark side. That’s why we’re inviting everyone to help us reshape the way we travel to make it smarter, sustainable and accessible for everyone.
Let’s celebrate World Tourism Day by attending and organizing travel hackathons all over the globe on 27 September. We want to bring together engineers, designers, and innovators: providing them with a creative and supportive environment and encouraging their ideas on how to hack travel.
We hope to trigger a global #HackTravel movement that would become a platform for constant improvement in the travel industry. Here are the main topics for this year:
Global Travel Hackathon - London Edition
27 Sep - 07:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
At, we care. We love the world of travel, but we’re aware of its dark side. That’s why we’re inviting everyone to help us reshape the way we travel to make it smarter, sustainable and accessible for everyone.
Let’s celebrate World Tourism Day by attending and organizing travel hackathons all over the globe on 27 September. We want to bring together engineers, designers, and innovators: providing them with a creative and supportive environment and encouraging their ideas on how to hack travel.
We hope to trigger a global #HackTravel movement that would become a platform for constant improvement in the travel industry. Here are the main topics for this year:
Global Travel Hackathon - Zagreb Edition
27 Sep - 07:00 PM
Zagreb, Croatia
At, we care. We love the world of travel, but we’re aware of its dark side. That’s why we’re inviting everyone to help us reshape the way we travel to make it smarter, sustainable and accessible for everyone.
Let’s celebrate World Tourism Day by attending and organizing travel hackathons all over the globe on 27 September. We want to bring together engineers, designers, and innovators: providing them with a creative and supportive environment and encouraging their ideas on how to hack travel.
We hope to trigger a global #HackTravel movement that would become a platform for constant improvement in the travel industry. Here are the main topics for this year:
Global Travel Hackathon - Belgrade Edition
27 Sep - 07:00 PM
Belgrade, Serbia
At, we care. We love the world of travel, but we’re aware of its dark side. That’s why we’re inviting everyone to help us reshape the way we travel to make it smarter, sustainable and accessible for everyone.
Let’s celebrate World Tourism Day by attending and organizing travel hackathons all over the globe on 27 September. We want to bring together engineers, designers, and innovators: providing them with a creative and supportive environment and encouraging their ideas on how to hack travel.
We hope to trigger a global #HackTravel movement that would become a platform for constant improvement in the travel industry. Here are the main topics for this year:
Turkish Airlines Travel Datathon 2019
20 Sep - 05:00 PM
İstanbul, Turkey
20-22 Eylül 2019 tarihleri arasında düzenlenecek Havacılık, Uzay ve Teknoloji Festivali Teknofest İstanbul organizasyonunda gerçekleştirilecek Turkish Airlines Travel Datathon 2019'da, büyük veri ve makine öğrenmesi teknolojileriyle havacılığı yeniden keşfedin ve sektöre yön veren veri bilimcileri arasında yerinizi alın.