Showing results 41 to 50 out of 89
The Rocket Hack 2019
14 Sep - 10:00 AM
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
With a smart Transport theme The Rocket Hack will be: a fun filled free event with a festival vibe, amazing food and entertainment as well as giving you the chance to network with likeminded peers, the interesting employers and the businesses partnering and supporting The Rocket Hack idea. Attendance by application – only the best will make it! Teams can be pre-formed or formed by us – mix of tech, creative and entrepreneurial skills Will accept 50-75 applicants Dragons den style pitch to a panel of judge
Hackathon Hubs as a service
13 Sep - 05:30 PM
Paris, France
Ce hackathon porte l'ambition de contribuer à la transformation du territoire Grand Paris Seine & Oise en faisant émerger des solutions concrètes de mobilité et de service pour les citoyens, les entreprises, les collectivités et les associations du territoire. Autour de trois grands défis : 01/Imaginer des places de marché capables de dynamiser la filière alimentaire locale 02/Faire des hubs un levier de création d'activitéslocales 03/ Mesurer l'impact des hubs sur la mobilité et le développement économique
ОАК объявляет о старте конкурса «Будущее авиации»
10 Sep - 11:55 AM
Moscow, Russia
Зарегистрироваться и подать заявку на участие могут студенты вузов и специалисты от 18 до 35 лет в период с 30 августа по 30 сентября на специально организованной онлайн платформеПо окончании регистрации и подготовки проектов начнётся второй этап конкурса: с 16 по 31 октября жюри, в состав которого входят эксперты ОАК, будет определит финалистов. Затем прошедшие отбор участники совместно с модераторами смогут заняться развитием своих проектов. Защита проектов состоится в декабре 2019 года. Для награждения победителей предусмотрены в том числе денежные призы.
06 Sep - 08:00 AM
Garching bei München, Germany
Calling all creators, makers, ideators, entrepreneurs, start-ups, hacker, coders and artists – let's start creating! 72 hours / 100 machines and gadgets / 1500 sqm makerspace over 400 highly skilled participants / tech demos / workshops for ideation and prototyping / hands-on support world-leading technology partners / launchpad day / partner match making for successful projects networking / afterparty / and much more_ free flixbus tickets within Europe
03 Sep - 11:23 PM
Chatarpura at Lalya Ka Bas, India
Build-A-Thon is a JK lakshmipat university premier event launched with a mission to discover the innovations which can challenge various social issues around the world to make this world a better place to live
Pertamina Energy Hackathon 2.0
24 Aug - 11:05 PM
Jakarta, Indonesia
Pertamina Energy Hackathon adalah acara hackathon tahunan yang diadakan bagi para developer Indonesia berbakat yang tertarik untuk memecahkan permasalahan dalam industri energi melalui teknologi ICT terbaru. Pertamina Energy Hackathon 2.0 menantang para developer Indonesia untuk memecahkan permasalahan di industri energi dalam negeri.
PMI Open Innovation Challenge
29 Jul - 09:30 AM
Philip Morris International is looking for startups to join them on their journey to improve the ecosystem and design a smoke-free future! About this Event Philip Morris International(PMI) is looking for startups to join them on their journey to improve the ecosystem and design a smoke-free future! As a part of this ambitious transformation, PMI is seeking out startups with the opportunity for you to gain equity investment or contractual partnerships and to realize or improve your products with PMI! With two tracks, i) Supply Chain and ii) Fintech, thePMI Open Innovation Challengeis looking for innovative solutions in the field of consumer-centric data insights, credit facilities, retailer financing options, transaction tracking, and more! Top 5 Startups: - Grand Prize: USD 30,000 Cash Contribution - Runner Up: USD 20,000 Cash Contribution - Consideration for equity investment - A paid trip to Hong Kong for the Grand Finale Top 15 Startups : - Receive mentoring and networking opportunities and eligible for short-term collaboration and long-term partnership opportunities Are you ready to take on this challenge? Register now by submitting: - A brief one-page introduction to your startup and business model - Up to 10 slides presentation to explain your solution in PPT or PDF format Sign up now!
Code Geist Hackathon by SefrWahed
29 Jul - 01:47 AM
New Cairo City, Egypt
Code Geist Hackathon is an open theme hackathon, supporting all kinds of ideas, solving global issues starting a business, or even building a game, you name it… Turn your idea into a working project, innovate, compete, learn and network with both tech and entrepreneurship leading entities for 72 hours where you either win or learn, because at Code Geist by SefrWahed, there are no losers…
BNCC Hackathon 2.0: “Code Your Idea, Discover Your Future”
15 Jun - 09:00 AM
South Jakarta, Indonesia
Halo Tech Enthusiast! Tahun ini, BNCC kembali hadir dengan BNCC Hackathon 2.0: “Code Your Idea, Discover Your Future” dimana kalian ditantang untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah dengan menggunakan solusi IT yang kreatif BNCC Hackathon 2.0 ini akan diselenggarakan pada: Hari: Sabtu-Minggu Tanggal: 15-16 Juni 2019 Tempat: GOJEK HQ (Lantai 7) Registrasi BNCC Hackathon 2.0 masih dibuka sampai 8 Juni 2019 Segera daftarkan tim kalian & menangkan hadiah UANG PULUHAN JUTA rupiah dan benefit lainnya!
ER&D Hackathon
14 Jun - 05:00 PM
Munich, Germany
L&T Technology Services is on a mission to engineer change for the masses by leveraging ground-breaking technologies at the ER&D Hackathon on June 14-15, 2019 in Munich. You’ll have 24 hours to collaborate with like-minded experts and LTTS stakeholders to develop solutions that can engineer change for billions of lives. The hackathon has three different challenges to tackle, but it’s up to you to decide which one you’ll take on : Mobility, Healthcare or Factories !