Showing results 81 to 89 out of 89
Dassault Aviation Startup Challenge
07 Feb - 11:00 AM
Latresne, France
Appel à candidatures auprès des startups françaises afin de trouver les solutions les plus innovantes de la maintenance prédictive.
Toutes les technologies sont les bienvenues au #DAStartupChallenge !
À la clé de ce challenge : 8000 € pour le premier prix et 2000 € supplémentaires pour la solution coup de coeur !
Les meilleures équipes auront l’opportunité de rencontrer les équipes innovation de Dassault Aviation et d’échanger sur une possible implémentation de leurs solutions.
KNVB / ENGIE "Hack Dutch Soccer"
02 Feb - 09:30 AM
Austerlitz, Netherlands
You will be given exclusive access to KNVB's soccer database and ENGIE's technical knowledge to work on solutions that can drastically change Dutch soccer
Three themes:
1. Hack the data
2. Hack amateur soccer
3. Hack the national team
Prices: selected participants will win a ticket to the soccer match NED-GER and the winning teams will even win VIP-tickets to NED-GER plus €2500,-/team.
Are you good enough to join the team?
Galileo App Competition
31 Jan - 11:13 AM
Prague, Czechia
100.000 €
The contest will last 8 months, in which the participant teams shall develop an innovative idea to use satellite data in a smartphone app!
AEC Hackathon 6.0 - Copenhagen
25 Jan - 03:00 PM
Copenhagen, Denmark
Danish AEC professionals — developers, UI/UX designers, civil engineers, built environment professionals! The AEC Hackathon 6.0 - Copenhagen is for folks like you in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) sector!
At this weekend-long event, you will be challenged to create cutting-edge approaches to the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment.
Get your hackathon advice here on the tips page!
Smart City online hackathon
24 Jan - 05:08 PM
Technology is the main driver of human progress. Digital transformation is revolutionizing countless sectors, dramatically changing the lifestyle of people around the world.
Snap4City is an open source framework and a living lab, providing tools to quickly create a large range of smart city applications exploiting heterogeneous data coming from Helsinki, Antwerp, Florence, Tuscany) and enabling services for stakeholders by IOT/IOE, data analytics and big data technologies.
Snap4City applications support multiple paradigms as data driven, stream and batch processing, thus allowing to create dashboards, IOT applications, Web and Mobile applications, Data Analytics, etc.
We have decided to launch this hackathon because we are constantly looking for innovative ways to live more responsibly and we think that a project on sustainability, sharing, collaboration, could concretely improve people's lives and help build the planet in which we would like to live.
Are you creative? Do you love technology? Do you want to improve people's lives? Do you want a more sustainable future? Find out more about our challenges and register!
Key points
The Snap4City Hack is a big hackathon on the topics of Smart City and IOT.
The hackathon is taking place from January 21 to March 15,
All the projects will be hosted by
All submissions must be developed and/or uploaded on In order to take part to the hackathon, you have to register first on Snap4City and then sign up to the Hackathon by using the above link. The early registration on Snap4City will get you at role Manager, while Hackathon participants will be immediatly passed at AreaManager to provide them the access to the needed development tools.
The great thing is that you can register and choose to run for Helsinki or Antwerp, using their corresponding data.
Turistični hackathon Saša regije
24 Jan - 09:00 AM
Ljubno ob Savinji, Slovenia
Konec januarja 2019 vabljeni na Ljubno ob Savinji, kjer bomo iskali nove ideje in razvijali že obstoječe turistične produkte v Saša regiji.
Si tudi ti želiš pridobiti nova znanja in koristne informacije?
Oak Codefest 2019
19 Jan - 09:30 AM
Bengaluru, India
Thank you to everyone for making the Oak Codefest 2019 such a big success! The Oak Codefest is back for 2020here!Interested participants can also check the websitecodefest.oakridge.into know more.
It is with immense pleasure that Oakridge International School announces the Oak Codefest, a programming competition that will be held on the 19th and 20th of January, 2018.Throughout the event, they would be collaborating and growing to attain that goal. Given that this is no easy task, the Codefest will be held for 24 hours, over the span of the entire night until the following day.
Hackathon beweegbare brug InfraTech 2019
15 Jan - 10:00 AM
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Op 15 en 16 januari organiseert Spinwaves voor Rijkswaterstaat een 2daagse hackathon tijdens de InfraTech2019. Centraal staan twee belangrijke renovatie-opgaven: A. de beweegbare brug en B. een netwerk van 13 bruggen in Zuid-Holland en Zeeland. Deze pagina is voor de inschrijving van opgave van de de beweegbare brug. Lees voor meer informatie en de spelregels voor deelname:
SB Hacks V
11 Jan - 12:51 PM
Santa Barbara, United States
Our mission is to provide a weekend experience so students can learn or practice their programming skills, and get to work with technology and companies. Learn more here: