Showing results 41 to 50 out of 145
Atlantic Lottery Hackathon.001: Probability and Randomness
03 Oct - 06:00 PM
Halifax, Canada
Volta Labs and Atlantic Lottery are teaming up to put on the first ever Atlantic Lottery Hackathon.001: Probability and Randomness! The anything goes 4 day hackathon will have mini prizes throughout the week and a Hacker’s Choice award in addition to the prizes listed below, and bonus points will be awarded for sticking to the theme of probability and randomness. This hackathon differs from others in that competitors can compete solo, join a team, or join multiple teams, there's is no limit on your team involvement!
Building the Hospital of the Future: A Kids Only Minecraft Hackathon
01 Oct - 10:30 AM
Boston, United States
Come and participate in reimagining the future of health at Building the Hospital of the Future: A Kids Only Minecraft Hackathon. Using the Minecraft game, participants and patients from Boston Children’s Hospital will work together to build the hospital of the future in worlds created especially for this event. Some of the designs will be incorporated into a 3D printed model of the hospital of the future and displayed in Boston.
Girl Hackathon
01 Oct - 10:00 AM
Boston, United States
Upper elementary and middle school girl students! Come and unleash your creativity and excitement by participating in the Girl Hackathon. You'll learn the basic concepts of coding through Hopscotch, a visual programming language for kids. You'll participate in a 2-girl team to get hands-on experience of the world of coding. Hopefully, your participation will lead you to a lifelong interest in the possibilities of technology.
Building the Hospital of the Future: A Kids Only Minecraft Hackathon
01 Oct - 09:15 AM
Boston, United States
HUBweek, the Museum of Science, Boston Children’s Hospital, Hacking Pediatrics, and Microsoft invite you to participate in reimagining the future of health at Building the Hospital of the Future: A Kids Only Minecraft Hackathon. Using the beloved game of Minecraft, participants and patients from Boston Children’s Hospital will work together to build the hospital of the future in worlds created especially for this event. Some of the designs will be incorporated into a 3D printed model of the hospital of the future and displayed in Boston.
Turin Jam Today
01 Oct - 09:00 AM
Torino, Italy
Game enthusiasts and educators! If you're a fan of the game industry or mathematics, or you like to program this challenge is for you. Sign up for the annual Turin Jam Today hackathon. Collaborating with other enthusiasts and specialists, your goal will be to create a game or an educational video game within the two day event! This year's theme is mathematics. During the event, you'll interact with like-minded professionals and enthusiasts. You will have opportunities to learn, to teach and -- perhaps -- to start a new working collaboration.
Hack day - save the date
01 Oct - 09:00 AM
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Ever wanted to understand what a hack day is? Come along and Newcastle Libraries staff will show you how to do stuff! This is the premise for Newcastle Libraries' second hackathon -- a day-long hackathon to learn new skills and collaborate on ideas for using data and content released by Newcastle Libraries. Following on from the first hackathon -- Wuthering Hacks -- which was mainly for developers and people with programming skills or data visualisation experience, this event is open to people who want to learn some of those skills too.
Hackathon des Journées de la culture - Édition Montréal
30 Sep - 07:00 PM
Montréal, Canada
Do you have expertise in digital design, programming, data architecture, marketing, communications, etc.? Come and participate in the second edition of the Hackathon of Culture Days. Collaborate as a team to build a prototype mobile application, website, video game or digital product that serves a purpose: To make culture accessible to all!
Bridgeport Hackathon
30 Sep - 05:00 PM
Bridgeport, United States
Developers, designers, creatives and techies from Bridgeport's downtown tech scene! Come and participate in Bridgeport's first community hackathon. Take on Smart Cities Challenges featuring a fantastic array of API's & Data, VR and AR challenges and some great gear to work with.
24 Sep - 04:00 PM
New York, United States
Graduate and undergraduate students, especially artists, designers, and hardware tinkerers! Come participate at HackCooper2016! You'll have 24 hours to build your dream project—hardware or software
Hack4DK 2016
23 Sep - 05:00 PM
Copenhagen, Denmark
Hack4DK 2016 is a hackathon of a different flavor than most, with the focus being arts and culture and how they assimilate into popular culture and tech. This years Hack4DK will be held at The Agency for Culture and Palaces in Copenhagen where they and other cultural centers will provide open data and any archives available.