Showing results 111 to 120 out of 159
Intra.NET Reloaded Hackathon 2017
26 Apr - 02:00 PM
Berlin, Germany
Video aficionados and techies in and around Berlin! we.CONECT Global Leaders invites you to sign up to participate in the Intra.NET Reloaded Hackathon 2017. You'll get to use the open API and SDK for the Kaltura video service to create an innovative new Intranet tool or feature that drives engagement, productivity, conversion, efficiency, monetization, and a stellar user experience.
Seattle VR Hackathon 5
21 Apr - 06:00 PM
Seattle, United States
Artists, UX designers, sound artists, critics, researchers, film-makers, developers, game designers, testers, psychologists, industry professionals in and around Seattle! Interested in virtual reality? You're invited to sign up for the Seattle VR Hackathon! Come and learn about Virtual Reality and other immersive technologies, meet new people, and get hands-on experience with VR design and development. You don't have to be an expert -- the VR hackathon is open to everyone.
Hack EMD: Creating the Future of Enterprise AR & VR
21 Apr - 06:00 PM
Austin, United States
Virtual reality hackers, designers, coders, as well as chemists, lab techs. Are you passionate about the use of virtual and augmented reality in the biopharma space? You're invited to participate in Hack EMD: Creating the Future of Enterprise AR & VR. You'll be challenged to come up with your own innovative idea for how AR/VR can be applied to one of the following business challenges: »Create AR tool to enable hands-free laboratories and collaboration. »Develop a solution for AR/VR collaboration in an R&D setting. »Create AR/VR customer support system for remote troubleshooting of physical lab equipment. »Improve Unity environment of a life sciences laboratory to make better VR training experience.
VR EcoHack: Hacking the Future in VR, AR & 360
21 Apr - 05:30 PM
Brookline, United States
Hackers in the greater Boston area! If you're passionate about virtual and augmented realities, then sign up to participate in the VR EcoHack: Hacking the Future in VR, AR & 360. You'll be challenged to colloborate in a team to create climate change content in virtual reality, augmented reality and 360 video.
IoT Tech Day 2017
19 Apr - 09:00 AM
Utrecht, Netherlands
Tech savvy IoT fans! Are you planning to attend IOT Tech Day 2017? Why not sign up to participate in the IOT Hackathon at the event. You'll collaborate with the best-of-the-best IoT techies in the Netherlands and get to explore the world of the Internet of Things to create new ways to use technology. You'll be using The Things Network to showcase your skills and to build an innovative connectivity solution that can help a business, a government agency, a health-care organization, or a not-for-profit flourish.
AI Systems for Society Tutorial & Hackathon
18 Apr - 02:00 PM
Bath, United Kingdom
AI enthusiasts! If you're planning to attend AISB 2017 -- or even if you're not -- you're invited to participate in the AI Systems for Society Tutorial & Hackathon. This event will run alongside the conference. You'll get the opportunity to sit in on tutorials and them to test drive software and write AI code. The theme of the tutorials is ‘building Artificially Intelligent (AI) systems to work within society’.
AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Manipal
08 Apr - 09:00 AM
Manipal, India
Coders, designers and entrepreneurs in Karnataka, India! AngelHack invites you to sign up to participate in the AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Manipal. Compete on your own, or collaborate as a member of a team to come up with an idea and turn it into a functioning prototype. You're not limited! You could build an app that delivers positive value to your community, a web site satisfying an unmet financial need, a virtual reality game, or whatever your imagination can conceive.
Hacking Healthcare
07 Apr - 12:00 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Developers, designers, researchers, insurers, innovators, healthcare professionals, patients! Amgen invites you to sign up to participate in Hacking Healthcare. Your challenge will be to collaborate to design and prototype innovative solutions that will help patients and accelerate healthcare. You'll be able to choose from the following themes: »Patient empowerment »Use of augmented reality to improve patient care »Using eHealth to eliminate the distance between medical professionals and patients.
Hackathon auf der ZUSEexpo 2017
05 Apr - 05:00 PM
Hoyerswerda, Germany
Are you planning to attend ZUSEexpo 2017? If so, then Link-ProjeX invites you to sign up to participate in their Hackathon at the ZUSEexpo 2017. You'll get to collaborate with other participants in a team on a project formulated by one of the participating companies. Projects include: »Create a live ticker, showing trends and options in the tech area. »Develop an app in Unity3D that allows 2D drawings using a VR headset. »Create a 3D model in Unity3D from a given floor plan as 2D pixel graphics. »Create a prototype for a team building tool.
Scratch Attaque ! Hackathon pour les 10-15 ans
01 Apr - 10:00 AM
Roubaix, France
Children aged 10-15 years of age in and around Roubaix! The Médiathèque de Roubaix invites you to participate in the Scratch Attack! Hackathon. In the single weekend of the event, you'll be challenged to design and build a team game using the Scratch visual programming language and then present your project to a jury of digital professionals -- competing for prizes offered by local companies in Roubaix.