Showing results 31 to 38 out of 38
21 Apr - 11:00 AM
Gurugram, India
Trip to Finland
StreetHack is a hackathon organized by and Ultrahack India for Hackers who have proved themselves in India and looking to go international with a grant for a trip to Finland and the chance to demo your prototype in Sprint I.
Rajasthan Hackathon 4.0
19 Mar - 10:00 AM
Jaipur, India
Hackathon 4.0, a 36 hour non-stop coding marathon! It is an effective tool used by the state to promote IT & e-governance initiatives. Coders, developers & designers will have a prodigious platform to use their out-of-the-box thinking on Bhamashah, e-Mitra, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, AR/VR, Blockchain, Machine Learning, Data Warehouse and Data Mobility. Register here:
Muvi Hackathon 2018
11 Mar - 08:00 AM
Bhubaneswar, India
Muvi Hackathon is a 12-hr non-stop dev challenge that aims to test your skills in app development (Web or mobile) dealing with Blockchain and AI. Join us for our second hackathon in Bhubaneswar, build apps (Web or Mobile) from the ground up in this hackathon and get a chance to win prizes, recognition as well as a job offer to work with Muvi! Open to all developers (working or not working), coding gurus and recent graduates.
03 Mar - 12:00 AM
Chennai, India
TEXUS Hackathon is a 24 hour event that will see participants going on a journey that started as a small budding idea and will end as a Minimum Viable Product that is good enough to turn heads.The theme for the Hackathon is to empower participants with the power to solve day to day problems pertaining to any field from education to transportation with the help of technology.
Coding All star - Winter season
15 Feb - 05:00 PM
Paris-1ER-Arrondissement, France
Coding challenge between three teams representing each a coding language: the Python Wizards - the Javascript Ninjas - the Java Cyborgs!
Corps à corps : Hackathon Danse et VR
03 Feb - 10:00 AM
Paris, France
Cinq équipes de danseurs, chorégraphes, réalisateurs et concepteurs ont 24 heures pour concevoir un projet de réalité virtuelle plaçant le corps au coeur de l'immersion.
International Women's Hackathon 2018
19 Jan - 08:00 PM
Women are a dreadfully underrepresented group in almost all divisions of tech. There is no doubt that the tech industry can tangibly benefit from an increase in gender diversity. Not only the tech giants but, today, on a global scale the entire Industry is recognising the importance of gender diversity and how it leads to better problem solving and overall business management. So, we are launching International Women Hackathon 2018 to celebrate and promote women developers across the globe.
SB Hacks IV
19 Jan - 05:00 PM
Santa Barbara, United States
-A 36 hour adrenaline rush from problem solving, coding, and collaborating -Hands-on experience using company tech and hardware not accessible elsewhere -Getting mentored by industry professionals from companies like Google and SpaceX -Developing your skill set from workshops -Starting off the new year with a mini beach getaway -FREE food, snacks, and drinks all weekend (just one less adult responsibility to worry about) -Did we mention you'll be coding in paradise?