Showing results 41 to 50 out of 51
08 Mar - 04:00 PM
St. Gallen, Switzerland
START Hack is challenging you with innovative and demanding cases provided by partners like Microsoft, Volvo and SBB. Get ready for 35h of coding, solving kick-ass challenges along with 400 of the most creative and out-of-the-box-thinking minds, with focus on emerging technologies including AI, IoT, AR/VR and Blockchain. Beyond the mere pleasure of coding join our numerous side events & meet Hacking’s finest.
International Women's Hackathon 2019
08 Mar - 01:20 PM
New York, United States
Cash Prize Pool over $US 15,000
Women innovators, developers, creators, designers, and hackathon enthusiasts! You're invited to participate in the 5th edition of the annual International Women's Day hackathon. Compete for cash prizes with your project in one of the six hackathon themes: Voice Apps in Retail Commerce; Retail Banking; Immersive Learning with AR/VR; Product Recommendation System; or Securing Air, Sea, and Land Borders.
International Women's Hackathon 2019
08 Mar - 01:06 PM
San Francisco, United States
Cash Prize Pool over $US 15,000
Women innovators, developers, creators, designers, and hackathon enthusiasts! You're invited to participate in the 5th edition of the annual International Women's Day hackathon. Compete for cash prizes with your project in one of the six hackathon themes: Voice Apps in Retail Commerce; Retail Banking; Immersive Learning with AR/VR; Product Recommendation System; or Securing Air, Sea, and Land Borders.
International Women's Hackathon 2019
08 Mar - 12:40 PM
The annual International Women's Day hackathon is back with its 5th edition - the IWH 2019. This edition of the International Women's Hackathon focuses on being an all-women hackathon and a platform for them to showcase their true talents and build ideas in major sectors such as Financial Technology, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Blockchain. The International Women's Hackathon 2019 supports the UN's theme for International Women's Day - "Think equal, build smart, innovate for change," and promotes women developers around the globe. With that spirit, HackerEarth launches the IWH 2019 on the International Women's Day and invites women innovators, developers, creators, designers, and hackathon enthusiasts to showcase their projects to the world and take them to the next level.
Hack the Now and Next: Education of the Future
22 Feb - 07:00 PM
Seattle, United States
Globant Seattle | Future of Education We’re excited that you’ll be joining us for Hack the Now & Next: The Future of Education, held February 22-23 2019, at Globant Seattle. You can find us at: 5th & Pine Building 413 Pine Street, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98101 About the Event Innovation in education is nothing new. It’s not unique to the last 500 years, or even the last millennium. After all, we long ago replaced the abacus with the calculator, and we no longer rely on the printing press for the dissemination of information. But there is something undeniably new about innovation in education now. Modern technology has prompted sweeping changes in education at a faster pace and with a further reach than ever before. Laptops and tablets are regular fixtures in many classrooms, and online degree programs make education accessible to students from all walks of life, all over the world. Join us as we Hack the Future of Education and discover how technology will further reshape the way children, teens, and adults learn about the world around them. Discover how developments like voice, AI, ML, and AR/VR will forever change the way we learn and teach information. Spend the weekend creating alongside fellow innovators, and build something cool that will reach millions of students. Globant employees will be there to guide you along the way. Prerequisites What do you envision for the future of education? Come prepared with a creative idea (or invent one on the spot!) about what the future of education may look like. Consider the infrastructure and logistical support needed to bring your idea to life. During the hackathon, you’ll flesh out a scenario which demonstrates why your idea will change the way we learn and teach. This scenario can be a technological solution, such as an app or a website, or it can be a well-constructed plan that carefully tackles hurdles in the learning process in a creative way. We expect that: Your idea will improve some aspect of the education experience, whether that be for teachers, students, or institutions You can demo your idea using either technology that you’ve built, such as a mobile app or voice skill, or another method of presentation, such as a slide deck Your idea is unique and innovative, and uses technology to solve a real problem Your team is comprised of no more than five people (feel free to come without a team, and we’ll connect you with others!) Judging Criteria At the conclusion of the hackathon on Saturday, February 23 you and your team will have five minutes to present your idea to the judges. We ask that you pretend you’re pitching your “startup” to a panel of venture capitalists; make every minute count! Your idea will be judged on the following criteria: Relevance: Your idea is relevant to media producers, distributors, or consumers Innovation: Your idea is original and pushes aside traditional industry paradigms Feasibility: Your idea is practical and operable—not “magic”—and makes sense within known parameters Presentation: Your presentation is clear, enjoyable, and professional Schedule Friday, February 22 | The Kick-Off Food and beverages will be provided. 7-7:30pm: Registration//Pizza and drinks 7:30-8pm: Welcome//Rules, restraints, and FAQs 8-10pm: Pitch ideas, assemble teams, and get started! Saturday, February 23 | The Hackathon Food and beverages will be provided. 8am: Welcome back 12pm: Lunch 5pm: Demos 7:00pm: Judges convene 7:30pm: Winners announced//prizes
BE5 Hackdays
01 Feb - 06:00 PM
Garching bei München, Germany
UnternehmerTUM is inviting makers, developers, architects, creators, designers and more to take part in the BE5 Hackdays. Powered by the new innovation and digitization platform BE5, and together with their partners GC Gruppe, KNAUF, Warema, PERI, Schüco and Max Bögl, this hackathon will disrupt and shape the future of the built environment sector.
Developer Camp 2019
01 Feb - 05:00 PM
San Mateo, United States
Developer Camp: The World's Best Hackathon Square, Getaround, Temple Run, OAuth, TestFlight,, and Zūm —each of these companies have foundations at Developer Camp over the past twelve years. Apple, Oracle, Google, Amazon, Disney, and Facebook have purchased companies following their participation in Developer Camp. You could be next. It is time to celebrate our inclusive, diverse, and equal-opportunity society with a huge event that gives everyone a chance to succeed. This event is a combination of community support, cooperation, and an idea contest that lasts 48 hours from opening doors to closing ceremony.  The theme of this special event is: Foundational Technologies, such as AI / Machine Learning, AR / VR, and blockchain.   Who: Developers, designers, musicians, artists, entrepreneurs, testers, and makers. The elite corps of Developer Camp Counselors — winners of past events, and distinguished members of our community from the Bay Area stand ready to teach and help. What: 48-Hour hackathon for iOS, blockchain, and the Web. This collaborative event, featuring superstar hackers and designers to help everyone learn to code, build custom hardware, and generally make ideas come to life. This year's theme is: foundational technologies. Watch the video. When: February 1st to 3rd, 2019 (Friday evening through Sunday). See our schedule and details. Where: Hero City at Draper University, 55 East 3rd Ave, San Mateo, CA 94401—open all weekend, and overnight both nights   Why: There is a huge opportunity to bring diversity to the technology industry. Women and girls, men and boys, we all deserve more opportunities to start coding using simple, powerful tools. Watch our Women of iOSDevCamp video. Also, we offer thousands of dollars in gift cards, Apple devices, AWS credits, fun prizes like games, and serious stuff like tools. We love to spoil our participants. Everyone walks away with something. How: Our sponsors offset the cost of attendance, and provide valuable prizes for participants: Zūm TODA & TODAQ Amazon Kryptonic Flutter Kintone Nami ForkedBlock Steem Monsters Tech Wild This is a place for families and children to collaborate as well. Learn more about our upcoming event. This event has catalyzed the launch of award winning startups (like Getaround and Foodspotting), the formation of founder dream teams (Square), and the building of a talented and collaborative community of developers.  Out-of-town guests are welcome to join our inclusive event. Though projects will include both solo and team efforts, we encourage attendees to build teams of diverse expertise — business ideas, marketing, design, testing, coding, and back-end development. All attendees should be prepared to participate in the development of a project during the event. Scholarships are available to encourage diversity, and mentors are available. “It’s one of the most pure and original hackathons.  People come from all around and really just hack on something, meet new people, cherish the relationships that they create here—and go out to create huge companies. The developers we’ve met at Developer Camp are among the best in the world. Some of them have gone on to join our team. We’re excited to be supporting the event again this year... Developer Camp is the best.” -Zac Bowling, Google engineerhas attended 100+ hackathons Developer Camp sponsor/participant The event will feature: -- Meetup on Friday with Refreshments-- Catered Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner (Saturday and Sunday)-- Open Mic for Questions-- Educational Sessions by Sponsors-- Participant-led Ad Hoc Sessions-- Saturday Night Gaming-- Hackathon Contest with Prizes-- Everyone Leaves with Something Schedule Friday 1700 — Doors Open1700–1800 — Mixer1800–1900 — Orientation and Keynote 1830—Healthy Dinner1900–2100 — Idea / Mentorship PitchesMidnight—Doors close Saturday 0900–1000 — Continental Breakfast1000–1300 — Introductions & Presentations 1300–1400—Healthy Lunch plus Host Keynote 1400–midnight — Hacking and Learning with Informational Side Sessions1800–1900 —DinnerMidnight—Doors close Sunday 0900–1000 — Continental Breakfast1000–1400 — Prepare for Hackathon1200 — Hackathon Entries due1300–1400 — Family Style Lunch1400–1700 — Hackathon Showcase1700–1730 — Awards1730–1800 — Pack It Up1900 — Doors Close We are currently seeking: -- Your Registration -- Cash Sponsors -- Hackathon Prize Donations  To get involved with the above, please email See you there! Developer Camp OrganizersDom Sagolla, and Dan Zeitman
Hackathon -Attractivité de la banque et de l'assurance grâce à l'innovation
01 Feb - 07:00 AM
Paris, France
Includes € 4,000 endowment, 1 year expert project advice, access to AWS
Rejoignez le Hackathon Cognizant ! Au programme : intelligence artificielle, agents conversationnels, réalité augmentée, objets connectés...  En partenariat avec Amazon Web Services, Le Wagon,, Wirk, OPP, Smart Tribune, Kedge et le Cnam Enass Pendant deux jours et demi, du 31 janvier au soir au 2 février 2019, Cognizant, qui accompagne les entreprises dans leur transformation stratégique, opérationnelle et technologique à l'ère du digital, vous invite pour son Hackathon « Booster l’attractivité de la banque et de l’assurance grâce à l'innovation ». Projetez-vous dans le système bancaire et celui de l’assurance pour mieux capter la façon de le changer, de le simplifier et de le ré-enchanter. Avec notre écosystème de partenaires, nous vous aiderons à relever ce challenge en proposant des expériences clients, collaborateurs ou recrutement innovantes. Des professionnels du secteur de la banque et de l’assurance, des experts des méthodes d’innovation, des spécialistes des technologies, des start ups… vous proposerons de créer vos solutions en équipes pluridisciplinaires sur des plateformes de dernières générations comme celle d’AWS. A vous de jouer ! Parmi les prix à remporter, une dotation de 4.000€, un an de suivi expert de votre projets, d’accompagnement et d’accès à la plateforme AWS, des Amazon Echo et bien plus encore. Formulaire d'inscription à compléter: FAQsQui peut y participer ?Curieux, porteurs d’idées de tous horizons, étudiants d'école d'ingénieur, design, commerce... marketeurs, développeurs, designers, créatifs, data scientists, data analysts, architectes techniques… vous serez en équipe pluridisciplinaire de 5 à 7 personnes. Comment s'inscrire ?L'inscription est individuelle. Vous pouvez dès maintenant  compléter le formulaire d'inscription ici. Les places sont limitées donc n’attendez pas ! Comment rejoindre une équipe ?Vous pouvez vous inscrire individuellement, notre Workshop  du 1er jour de l'événement vous permettra de former ou d’intégrer l'une des équipes de la compétition. Je suis une start-up, puis-je participer ?Oui, vous êtes les bienvenus, merci de le mentionner dans le formulaire de pré-inscription. Quel poste de travail utiliser ?Veuillez venir avec votre ordinateur sur lequel vous pourrez facilement installer les outils dont vous aurez besoin. Dois-je faire quelque chose avant le Hackathon ? Il est vivement recommandé de se préparer par avance afin de ne pas perdre de temps lors de ce marathon dont l’objectif est de ressortir avec un prototype de projet afin de concrétiser vos idées. Comment ? Nous vous invitons à réfléchir en amont aux outils, données, savoir-faire dont vous aurez besoin pendant ce court laps de temps. Nous partagerons des astuces avant et pendant l’événement. Les repas sont-ils fournis ?Un participant efficace est un participant bien nourri. Petits déjeuners, déjeuners, et dîners sont au programme, ainsi que boissons et collations tout au long de la journée. Puis-je passer la nuit sur le lieu du Hackathon ?Oui, une salle de repos est à votre disposition. PlanningJeudi 31 janvier de 18h30 à 21h30Tous les participants sont conviés dès 18h30 pour l'ouverture officielle du Hackathon. Des ateliers de travail vous seront proposés. En fin de journée, les équipes seront constituées et/ou présentées. Vendredi 1er février de 7h30 à 20hLa première phase du Hackathon commencera dès 7h30 avec petit-déjeuner et début des travaux. Après expérimentation, conception et pitch, le jury délibèrera de 19h à 20h et retiendra 6 groupes pour la dernière étape du Hackathon. Nuit du vendredi au samedi de 20h à 7h30La seconde phase du Hackathon débutera dès la fin des délibérations du jury. Les finalistes continueront la conception de leurs travaux sur le Hackathon avec une salle de repos à leur disposition Samedi 2 février de 7h30 à 23hDe 7h30 à 17h, les 6 équipes finalistes développeront leur projet pour le présenter au jury qui désignera les vainqueurs à 19h. L'ensemble des participants est convié à la remise des prix et au cocktail qui célébrera la fin du Hackathon. Intéressé(e) ? Besoin de tout savoir sur l'événement ? Sélectionnez "Suivre" en bas de page pour suivre l'actualité du Hackathon Attract'Me Le règlement est fourni à titre indicatif dans le contexte du processus de préinscription, Cognizant Business Consulting se réserve le droit de le modifier.  Règlement indicatif de l'événement : Lien
2019 Public Expo for the Reality Virtually Hackathon
21 Jan - 02:00 PM
Cambridge, United States
The Public Expo of the Reality Virtually Hackathon will be a showcase of the most cutting-edge developments in augmented reality and virtual reality as created by the 400 developers, designers, and AR/VR storytellers participating in the hackathon. Public Expo: 2 PM - 5 PM The Public Expo will be held at the MIT Media Lab and will be a chance to play and interact with the AR/VR innovations developed across various industries. You will get the chance to interact with the AR/VR maker community and provide feedback. 
Hackathon Amsterdam 3D
18 Jan - 08:30 AM
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Om burgers en ondernemers te betrekken bij de ontwikkeling van de stad zetten we gaming engine Unity in. Binnen Unity bouwen we Amsterdam in 3D na en voegen we allerlei functionaliteiten toe. Kan de tool slimmer? Er is 36 uur beschikbaar om werkende prototypes binnen de 3D omgeving te bedenken én te maken.