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2nd Annual VR Wellness Hackathon
10 Jan - 10:00 AM
San Francisco, United States
2019 Hackathon Puts Focus On Mental Health + Wellness 2-day Technology-Driven Behavioral Design Summit Hackathon NewPathVR is producing a VR Wellness Hackathon in January 2019 in San Francisco. NewPathVR is convening a group of interested developers for the 2-day Hackathon, with a real-world mission of “creating life-changing products in the health and wellness arena”. Participants will have a chance to collaborate on diverse teams with projects reviewed by industry leaders and entrepreneurs. Last year's top winners Organized Around the following themes: * Research * Foundations of behavioral design * Applications * Broader impact solutions * Presentations How It Works We’ll create “dream teams” with people from various interest groups on one team. Each team will have a mix of people who will learn to work together throughout the 2-day period of the Hackathon. There will be a combination of focused talks and training from innovation leaders and experts, work sessions and final presentations of startups from each team. Industry experts will provide expertise to each team and help them rapidly develop their solution. Judges will pick a winning team based on the startup’s viability, feasibility and desirability. Who’s Coming All journalism and communications schools are invited to attend the Hackathon, as well as journalists, editors, technologists, entrepreneurs and others with an interest in networking, collaboration and innovation. We allow undergraduates, graduates and doctoral students to compete on teams. You may either purchase a "hacker" ticket to participate, or a "professional" ticket to network and observe. Registration Registration fees help cover the cost of food and drinks, as well as producing the Hackathon. Early Bird Registration costs $9 for hackers and $11 for professionals, and the deadline is January 5, 2019. Thereafter, regular registration costs $12 for hackers and $16 for professionals. Winners Certificates will be awarded. Each team, winner or not, will receive sponsor gifts. Travel Info Travel and housing costs are up to participants, but there are competitive rates at nearby hotels. SF is located within a 30 minutes drive of the San Francisco International Airport. When? January 10th to January 11th, 2019 Plan to arrive Tuesday, January 8th, in the evening by 6 pm for our kick-off mixer at Azucar on 9th and Folsom, with an official start early Thursday morning and ending Friday afternoon at 3:00 pm with the announcement of the winners. Schedule THURSDAY 9:30 - 10:30 Breakfast/networking10:30 - 11:00 Introductions11:00 - 12:00 VR and A Guest Talk12:00 - 1:00 Lunch1:00 - 4:00 Hacking FRIDAY 9:30 - 12:00 Hacking12:00 - 1:00 Presentation Prep1:00 - 3:00 Judging and Awards Where? TBD Kick-Off Mixer! For those arriving early enough on Tuesday the 8th, there will be a kick-off mixer from 6 pm to 8 pm at Azucar at Folsom and 9th Street. The networking event will be a great way for Hackathon participants to meet up and get to know each other. Sponsored by NewPathVR More winners from last year: