Showing results 21 to 30 out of 32
#Fiction2Science / Hackathon & Engineering Challenge in Hannover
19 Mar - 04:00 PM
Hanover, Germany
The future needs fresh ideas and someone who has got them – in a nutshell, the future needs you. With #Fiction2Science your ideas might become reality. Take part in exciting and challenging competitions. Experience and shape the future of mobility with Continental. From March 19 to 21, 2020, the tranquil Ilsede near Hanover will be transformed into a true high-tech center: artificial intelligence, robotics and the Internet of Things are the focal points of the Hackathons and Engineering Challenges of # Fiction2Science Hanover. Choose your favorite and apply! What the hack? Challenge your skills in one of our hackathons: Tire Performance Hackathon Intelligent Machine Hackathon Smart Workplace Hackathon Challenge accepted? Show us your ingenuity in one of our challenges: Maze Chasing Challenge Surface Solution Challenge Digital Automation Challenge When: 19.03. - 21.03.2020 Where: Ilsede (near Hannover) Find your personal challenge at the Apply now!!! We are looking forward to it.
Sábado T3chFest 2020
14 Mar - 09:00 AM
Leganés, Spain
Pixel 3a + Case (€ 445 Value)
Techies in Spain -- students, professionals, researchers! Are you planning to attend T3chFest 2020? If so, then be sure to sign up to participate in the T3chFest Hackathon. This year's theme is sustainable development goals. Come with a team of 3 people -- or join one at the event. Collaborate and compete for cool prizes: Pixel 3a + case, Bose 700, and Google Nest Hub!
13 Mar - 04:00 PM
Idrija, Slovenia
Idrija 2020 Association organizes a 3-day HeritageHack between 13 and 15 March with financial support of the European Commissiom and the Council of Europe. We invite the young between 18 and 30 to tackle the challanges of cultural heritage in Idrija in an innovative way. Prior knowledge is not requierd. The best ideas will be generously rewarded!
VR Maker Night
11 Mar - 05:00 PM
Barrie, Canada
Elite programmers -- students and professionals -- in and around Georgian College! If you are planning to participate in the upcoming hackathon, then you should attend the VR Maker Night and learn how to upload your project to an Oculus Quest. Also, you get ready to participate with smart hackathon advice on the tips page!
23 Feb - 01:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Virtual reality enthusiasts in and around London! Computer geek and coding coach, Louie Christie, invites you to sign up for the Deptford Virtual Reality Hackathon, London. Come and try Virtual Reality for the first time, or bring your laptop and try coding for VR. Try one of the Oculus Go Virtual Reality headsets! At the end of the hackathon, you'll get to present the VR video, app, or experience you have created. If you have questions about hackathons, visit the tips page for answers!
Deptford Virtual Reality Hackathon, London
23 Feb - 01:00 PM
London, United Kingdom
Come and try Virtual Reality for the first time, or if you're into computers, bring your laptop and try coding for VR. We have some Oculus Go Virtual Reality headsets to play with, first come first served. At the end of the hackathon there will be a short presentation of any VR videos,apps, or experiences we have created. Hosted by actual reality computer geek coding coachLouie Christie. 1-5pm Sunday 23 February 2020 The Albany Arts Centre Douglas Way London SE8 4AG All ages welcome This hackathon will be part of the The Party For The People Of Deptford event, and also in the building there will be a day of films, music, games, dancing, a tug of war, stories, talks, a chance to sit and read the papers or to get messy! More info: Part of Here and Now, a national and local celebration of culture within communities. Supported by Arts Council England and Future Arts Centres, marking the National Lottery’s 25th birthday.
JunctionX Exeter - Europe's Largest Hackathon, now in Exeter
21 Feb - 03:13 PM
Exeter, United Kingdom
APPLICATIONS OPEN NOW • Open to all students and innovators from the UK, Europe, and further 🌍 • The perfect atmosphere, opportunity and resources to bring your innovative ideas to life and develop your skills in a competitive situation 🚀 • World-class industry managers and experts 🥇 No matter whether you're a coding genius 🤖or simply have a world-disrupting idea 🌍, we need YOU to be a part of this. • Compete within themed tracks* to build the best product in 54 hours. The winners will be decided on Sunday. • FREE food and drinks 🍕 🥇WIN🥇: • 1st Grand Prize: £1000 + a paid trip to Finland for every member of the team 🇫🇮 • Winner for each track will win a sponsored prize *Sponsored by the likes of Intel and other leaders in the tech industry **Equipment provided
CodinGuru 2.0 Hackathon
15 Feb - 11:42 PM
Lahore, Pakistan
30,000 PKR
In line with Facebook Developer Circle: Lahore's mission to empower technology and entrepreneurship, we’re bringing to you an opportunity to showcase your dev skills and bring your idea to life in a hackathon! This is brought to you in collaboration with IEEE LUMS as a part of their CodinGuru 2.0 series of events. Over the course of 24 hours, teams will work to develop highly innovative prototypes for web, mobile and desktop applications. Submissions for other platforms like AR/VR and wearables are accepted too. The submission should be relevant to any of the pre-disclosed theme areas, which will be announced before the hackathon begins. The focus here is firmly on fun, exchanging knowledge, the unique atmosphere and opportunities for mutual learning and inspiration. Sure, you’ll be hacking for 24 hours. But there will be snack breaks as well as a highly anticipated “social night” comprised of food-street and a dancefloor to help you recharge. For complete rules and registration, please visit:
HACK36 2020
14 Feb - 08:00 PM
Prayagraj, India
A 36-hour tryst with gizmos, infused with youthful energy and a relentless drive for development, this is the 3rd edition of the annual Hackathon conducted by MNNIT Allahabad. Hack36 holds in store, challenges expecting to be conquered and solutions waiting to be uncovered, for all thetech-savyand geeks, coders and development enthusiasts. So, caffeinate, collaborate, celebrate; work, solve and work harder, reverberating theessenceof the hackathon, "Every once in a while, a newtechnology, an old problem and a big idea turn into an innovation".
25 Jan - 09:00 AM
Fornovo di Taro, Italy
€100 voucher per winning team member
Hackers in and around the province of Parma! Analysts, coders, designers, makers, professionals, and students! You're invited to participate in Hackafork -- Italy's first hackathon dedicated to food, nutrition, and food automation. On your own, or as a member of a team of up to 5 people, you'll be challenged to design, prototype, and pitch a project on the theme of the food chain from production to logistics, from sales to catering. Your project -- a combination of both hardware and software components --must bring improvements to the food sector (production, logistics, food, catering, etc.). You'll present your solution to a jury that will judge it on originality, functionality, and execution. Each member of the winning team will be awarded a € 100.00 voucher.