evolver: sustainable evolution | MELBOURNE SUSTAINABILITY JAM 2015

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    evolver: sustainable evolution MELBOURNE SUSTAINABILITY JAM 2015   START THE BURN AND A CREATIVE FIRESTORM THAT LIGHTS THE EARTH UP FOR 52 HOURS   Sustainability is complex. There is a lot going on in the world. It is hard to know what to think and where to start. Try starting by putting the people you serve in the middle of your product or service design. This is the cardinal rule of design-thinking. Design-thinking provides a systematic way of uncovering novel, meaningful ways to solve complex problems. The Global Service Jam network are a global non-profit volunteer innovation army committed to spreading the power of design-thinking, and the emerging discipline of “service-design.” And, Melbourne is building up to start the burn that ignites the world for 52 hours with high-octane creativity, empathy and human ingenuity.   Build your “creative confidence” Work more coherently in teams to deliver an outcome Learn design thinking through hands-on application Make an impact on sustainability through generating a user-tested real-life initiative Learn how to apply business innovation models and tools Immerse end-to-end from idea generation through to a tested-solution with clear value proposition   So if you are passionate about building sustainable communities, and creating a sustainable planet, this is your opportunity to do something about it with other open-minded, open-hearted and curious people. You will use the tools of design-thinking to design, prototype, test and deliver a novel service with a team of likeminded strangers in 19 hours of concentrated activity. Learn what it takes to release and harness your innate creative potential. Think by doing, learn by doing, generate impact by doing. Jams change lives. Come and fuel the evolution.   Evolver is ...    The Melbourne’s Global Sustainability Jam event in 2015. The Global Sustainability Jam is the Global Service Jam’s response to our sustainability crisis. The Global Service Jam movement is committed to unleashing the creative and disruptive power of design-thinking to our sustainability individually, in community and on our planet.   Huh, Global Sustainability WHAT movement? This is a non-profit movement that invites people around the world to host simultaneous events that build new and novel products and services in the pursuit of better, human-centred interactions and services in the sustainability space.   What the Jam? Jams are about empathy, collaboration and experimentation. They promote co-design and participation. Come and stretch your understanding of what you are capable of creating in 19 intensive hours. A jam is a human-centred design-led hackathon. It uses the musical metaphor of "jamming" together, where a team of individuals who are unrelated come together to make great and new music. In a service design jam, the people are the musicians, their experience and imagination the instruments and the music made: novel products and services they could not create alone.   You will learn to use design-thinking methods to rapidly define and refine your ideas. Moving your ideas from concepts to prototypes. Prototyping is where the magic happens. Prototypes make your concept real in the world. They provide a reference that you can test with each other and with your market. Other people can play with your prototype, ask questions, add features, remove features, help you make something that others will be delighted to use.   SESSION PLAN     Times   FRIDAY 30 OCTOBER     SATURDAY 31 OCTOBER     SUNDAY 1 NOVEMBER       5.00-6.00pm: Registrations at Level 2, Donkey Wheel House. 6.00-10.00pm: Learn to Jam (Rapid Innovation)   8.00-9.00am: Breakfast/Morning activities   9.00am-6.00pm: Work on your product or service     8.00-9.00am: Breakfast/Morning Activities 9.00am-2.30pm: Consolidate, create your pitch, 2.30pm - 3.00pm: Upload pitch for the world to see. 4.00pm – 5.30pm Final presentations 6.00pm: OUT to RELAX and REFLECT   All up a Jam is about 19 hours of concentrated human activity. The participants, called Jammers, work two and quarter days on their product or service using design-thinking and other techniques to accelerate their learning and deliver a prototype, pitching it globally via video to explain their invention. They prototype rapidly, test, iterate, re-design and deliver their vision.   The creativity is inspired by a globally consistent theme that is shared across the globe following the path of the Sun. Australia and New Zealand kick this event off for the world. All the Jams are run on a non-profit basis by teams of volunteers. The materials and final products are made available to the world under Creative Commons licensing.   You get to hit the BIG RED BUTTON! Well it’s not quiet Guy Fawkes night, but it is All Hallows Eve! Let your inner ghoul and ghast out for a weekend. Start the creative fire that sets the Earth alight with 52 hours of empathy, experimentation and collaboration. The Jamming world watches us to seek where we take the design challenge. Be bold, be brave and inspire the world jamming community to take it to the next level. Be the change you want to see in the world ... and make a start in October. Be part of a global change-making event with sites all over the world participating!!! The motto of the global movement is DOING NOT TALKING! ... and YOU'RE INVITED! IT’S TIME TO EVOLVE!!! Your ticket price includes dinner Friday, a light breakfast, lunch and dinner Saturday, and a light breakfast and lunch on Sunday, as well as some beverages ... until we run out of funds! Every dollar raised through tickets and sponsorship is spent on delivering you the best possible experience.  


    donkey wheel house
    Melbourne, Australia


    From 30th October 2015 - 06:00 PM
    to 1st November 2015 - 06:00 PM